Your Daily Dose of Genki English!

In the newsletter last night I also introduced the “Team Taught Pizza” book. Judging by the orders this morning it’s very popular! O...

I’m always on the look out for new and interesting material to introduce to people. Basically the more good stuff I can recommend, the less I ha...

One of the ( many ) slogans I have at Genki English is “Not tested on animals. Tested on kids”. Basically as soon as I put an idea up on t...

The last picture book proved really successful, so here’s a new one – “I love vegetables” The cool part of the book is, of cou...

The Teachers TV website has put up two videos of how MFL ( modern foreign languages) are taught in UK schools. As you can see the situation is very mu...

Last week I updated several of the CD1,2&3 worksheets as the printed book needed reprinting. Today I uploaded them on to the site so people who pr...