Your Daily Dose of Genki English!

Spent the day replying to my email and maintaining the site. Then in the evening I caught up with one of the ALTs in town. It’s always good to h...

A train at a very silly hour ( any train time that begins with 6 something can’t be normal), and finishing with a 30 minute taxi drive through t...

Today was a big school today. One of the schools that I did a workshop for in Summer was having their parents’ day ( where parents come to watch...

One thing that constantly crops up with Japanese teachers making their own lessons is the confusion over “I like apple/apples” etc. Last w...

Spent the weekend editing up the Japanese versions of the CD5 Teaching Guide videos. It takes a long time! But if you speak Japanese, the first four a...

In workshops and things, one of the things I always mention is that Genki English is used in over 100 countries. That sounds rather good in the beginn...