Your Daily Dose of Genki English!

Today was a bit of an experiment! Instead of a free one hour workshop at the bookstore, today was a 6 hour workshop charged at 10,000 yen per person. ...

OK, that was one too many beers last night! Today I traveled over a thousand miles, from Oita in Kyushu, to Okayama then to Tokyo, and I must admit I ...

When I do the shows or workshops, as a trick to get the teachers, and kids, to speak louder I always say things like “Oh, but in Okayama yesterd...

The plan was to do a full day yesterday then today get the teachers to actually do some teaching. The idea being they’d have a nice safety net a...

Now this is what it’s all about! Instead of just a one or two hour introduction, this is a full on two day set of workshops where I can spend ha...

This coming week is a very big week with lots of workshops, starting with a 2 day one in Okayama. So there was a ton of prep work to do, to make sure ...