Your Daily Dose of Genki English!

After Yahoo not living up to expectations, I spent a lot of time today making sure the site is all nice and search engine friendly. This does take tim...

Got listed in the Japanese Yahoo today!! Yehey, the key to lots and lots of visitors to the site! Or not as it may seem. They listed the site as aR...

Got up early because it’s my day off!! Yeah!! Did a few bits of email work, including re-submitting the site to Yahoo, and got some great messag...

I don’t know what it is about Sundays but I always end up getting lots of teachers from China getting in touch via messenger! It is actually qui...

Spent the day recording the phonics CD and working on things on the website, including a learning English guide for Japanese adults....

Right, I’m going to make a new new rule and only do emails and web work in the morning! Then the afternoon I can do production work, otherwise I...