Your Daily Dose of Genki English!

“I know how to teach English to adults but have no idea how to teach it to kids” is something that has come up a few times this week. So I...

  There are three main types of students and which one you set out to attract really determines how happy you are as a teacher and also your teac...

I just finished a 30 day songwriting course with the producer and lead singer of One Republic (“Counting Stars” & currently in the cha...

If you’d like to see me chat with real teachers and hopefully help with ideas & suggestions, check out this month’s Top Fan Coaching V...

Thank you everyone for the amazing calls last week! Β  I didn’t get to answer everyone’s text questions so I did a special session and ans...

One of my favorite games in kindergarten was the Tower Game: You ask the kids either today’s questionΒ or a review question or whatever you want...