Your Daily Dose of Genki English!

One “boom” we’ve seen with English classes during covid is when you switch from purely online kids classes to “Mommy and me...

3 Genki ways to use your time wisely and keep you sane when recruiting new students: 1. Make sure they want what you have. We love teaching. Β Our stu...

2020 has been scary enough, let’s just focus on the fun part of Halloween this year! Β  Β And a huge thank you to all of you who became VIP memb...

I think we can all safely say it has been a crazy year! A year ago with we were getting schools ready for epidemics (after the experience of schools i...

If you’re brand new and need to learn how to get new students using Social Media without going crazy or taking up all your time, Β here is the V...

After re-watching Karate Kid again this weekend I realized just how much of my teaching came almost directly from seeing Mr Miyagi as a kid. The Agree...