Bernie wrote in to ask:
Can the kids do the worksheet from the Teacher’s Set after the 45 minutes lesson?
Very good question!
With the homework program then yes, 100% no problem and they’ll actually be able to do most of it before you actually teach that lesson.
And if you’re not on the homework program yet then they will be able to do:
- the question/grammar point (they’ll have heard it so many times in the lesson) and usually 6 or 7 of the vocab items, Β (It’s quite normal that they’ll forget one or two, Β but that’s what the reviews are there for in the future lessons),
- most of the class will be able to teach their parents the song ( remember they are remembering this from class, not reading the lyrics, those are just there for the parents so make sure the parents know this)
- and of course they can all do the imagination activity.
Hope that helps!
Be genki,
P.S. Β The worksheets are on the VIP printables page.