Category Archives: ๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡น Italy

The best workshops yet with AWESOME teachers!

Before I do the Hanoi write ups I figured I’d better write up what we did in the Italy workshops this year. Why? ย Because I just want to say I am so, so, so, so, so, so grateful for all of you. As you’ll see in the Hanoi write ups, all of you from Italy,…

Italy Demo Lessons, Vienna to Slovakia & Why all English is a terrible idea!

Even though itโ€™s my last day in Italy I seemed to have been roped into doing a series of demo lessons in the morning! Which is fine, after a day off at the beautiful lake Garda and then a day full of computer work yesterday it is actually really nice to actually do some teaching!…

Amaaaazzzing Teachers in Italy!! – Here’s what we did!

  Wow, you girls and and guys were astounding! ย  ย After seeing you all on Facebook and emails it was so good to finally meet so many of you and all at the same time in the same place, it was such an energising experience!! The local primary school teachers were totally freaked out to…

In Italy!

Just arrived in Italy and it is so nice to be here. Here’s the view from my room this morning…. And a fresh fruit & veg stall right outside…. After a wonderful breakfast, with gorgeous real coffee, we went for a quick tour round the beautiful cathedral and went to see the school for tomorrow….