This is a great game I used for classes (or parties) where I didn’t see the kids that often, so their skills weren’t that hot yet, Β but I still wanted to do some long form listening with them.
And it’s also one of those games where I first though “meh” Β but then tried it myself and realized just how much adrenaline gets released!
1. Teach the kids some new Christmas words ( Ninja Tip: Β The Genki Christmas song is the easiest way)
2. Have the students make two lines.
3. Tell them to turn so that the two lines are facing each other.
4. Have them sit down, with their legs outrstretched in front of them. with their feet touching the feet of the person in front of them (check whether this is culturally acceptable in the country you are teaching in!) They have now made a “ladder” and their feet are the “rungs” of the ladder.
5. Assign each pair of students an English word from the target vocab (e.g. stocking, present, tree etc.). For 30 students you will need 15 words.
6. You then read a Christmas story.
One Christmas, Santa ( 1st kids run!) was going to the North Pole.
On the way he met a Snowman ( 2nd kids run!).
“Hello Santa” ( 1st kids run again) said the Snowman ( you get the idea!).
“Hello Snowman” said Santa.
And off they went to the North Pole.On the way they met Rudolph.
Rudolph was a reindeer.
“Hello Rudolph” said Santa and the Snowman
“Hello” said the reindeer.
And off they went to the North Pole.On the way the Snowman said
“I think we need a Christmas tree!”.
“Yes” they all said .
So they bought a big, big, Christmas tree.
And off they went to the North Pole.On the way ….
7. The students listen. If you say their word then they have to….
a) stand up
b) run down the middle of the ladder, over the “rungs” towards the “top” of the ladder (into the screen in this case)
c) come back down the outside of the ladder (from the top to the bottom)
d) From the bottom go back up the rungs to reach their own place.
e) sit down in their own seat.
8. The fastest student gets one point for his or her team!
9. Continue and repeat from step 6.
Ninja Tips:
It can also be a bit difficult to explain using only words, so its best to act out what the kids have to do yourself beforehand.
If you have more than 20 students then consider having 2 ladders of 16 students each. If you have an odd number of kids then get their teacher to join in!!
For more fun (and danger!) try saying several words at once.
OH, and if you assign one pair as “Christmas” they end up doing lots and lots of running!
And if any of you have other great stories that you could read to the kids, please do share them in the comments!
P.S. Β There are more great Christmas games part way down the main Christmas page.
What a great game! Sounds like tons of fun! BUT….there’s no way I’ll be able to do this this year…….classrooms are waaaaaay too small for this – BUT….next year I’ll be at a “real” school for some of my classes and the classroom will be bigger!!!! That’s when I’ll definitely put this one into practice! π
Ah yes, I used to always do this one in the gym!