Ninja Communication Skills: Hi I’m …..

ninjaHow would you love to be a communication ninja?

We’ve talked about why sentences are so important ( and how it effectively gives you grammar for free) and I’ve also covered why the Genki English curriculum is just so full of questions. (It’s because kids are always asking when, what, where, why questions!)

And if you structure things right you can take things to the next level, James Bond style, smoothness.

You see when someone you don’t know just comes out and asks you a question, your brain begins to think “What??  Who are you?  And why on Earth are you asking me this?  Are you trying to stalk me?”   And this can be a very valuable protection method.

The way to diffuse this?

Simply by offering some information about yourself first.

So instead of blindly asking “Hi, what you up to today?”, first of all offer something up about yourself,  “Hi, I’m just grabbing some organic veggies from the store over there.  What are you up to today?”

See how it not only tells the person a bit about yourself (cool person, self confident, likes healthy food etc.)  it also disables the barriers and offers hooks to further the conversation later.

From the beginning …

And of course we can do this right from lesson 1 (well maybe lesson 3 🙂 ) so instead of just coldly blurting out  “What’s your name?“, first of all offer up the answer first  “Hi, I’m Baby Monkey.  What’s your name?”

See how much better than feels?

I can’t tell you how many times this has saved me when traveling or speaking with new people for the first time.

So give it a try, and you too can be a communication ninja! 🙂

Be genki,



Richard Graham

I'm on a mission to make education Genki—fun, exciting, and full of life! Genki English has now been researched by Harvard University and licensed by the British Council around the world. The results have been magical! Now I'm here to help you teach amazing lessons, with all the materials prepared for you, and to double your teaching income so you can sustainably help many more students in the future!

2 Responses to “Ninja Communication Skills: Hi I’m …..”

  1. Trevor Lawless

    Yes, it can sound like a police interrogation if people just bomb questions at you. The other thing that can help is if they practice asking related or follow-on questions rather than just all random questions. Takes a bit of practice, but can be done with the questions practiced in GE.

  2. Julia

    Hi Richard! I absolutely love your advice! Selfintroduction can help when those who even don’t speak a word can understand straight away what is to be said in reply. So communication won’t seem impossible any more!

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