Crosswords, Dominoes & Wordsearches

Roger has just reminded me about his page of crosswords, dominoes, word searches and word jumbles. They’re all great review materials for older kids, or junior high, where you also teach writing.

This morning I’ve just started an assistant making more of them for all the Genki English themes. It’s going to take a while to get them all done, so if you have any themes that you’d like sooner rather than later then please make a request in the comments below!

Update: I’ve just added a couple of new ones to the comments below.

Richard Graham

I'm on a mission to make education Genkiβ€”fun, exciting, and full of life! Genki English has now been researched by Harvard University and licensed by the British Council around the world. The results have been magical! Now I'm here to help you teach amazing lessons, with all the materials prepared for you, and to double your teaching income so you can sustainably help many more students in the future!

12 Responses to “Crosswords, Dominoes & Wordsearches”

  1. Big Mac

    Any of the new animals songs, please!

  2. richard

    We’re working on the crossword ones at the moment, but here’s the Do you like animals? one from CD8!

    Do you like animals crossword

  3. Margit

    You have already so many topics covered, that it’s really hard to make a request. Anyway, how about “School subjects+ Weekdays ” for the dominoes.

    Another request for a new topic would be “first, second, third”etc. Maybe some Hip Hop song would be good for this?!

    Well, I thought to have a few hours off, but after I found this, I have to get my printer started.

    Thanks a lot.

  4. richard

    Hi Margit,

    I was thinking of requests for crosswords etc. from the current themes! πŸ™‚

    Be genki,

  5. richard

    I did have this one for junior high school days of the week, but it’s a little heavy on the ink!

    Days of the Week Crossword

    (Note: this particular one only works in Japan!)

  6. Julian-k

    No requests, but these are great. I don’t know about my normal lessons – but when I start teaching some phonics from next month, ill definitely be giving these a go!

  7. sakura

    Love the new games and it’s free!!!

    How about what are you wearing? theme and countries for dominoes?

  8. Margit

    The “days of the week” one I really find nice. Laminated it would make a nice desk pad. In that case kids can write on it with white board markers. Might be one idea for a special treat.

  9. sakura

    Good day!! Mr. Richard,

    I had fun time using the animal dominoes this morning with my 2nd graders. Thank you very much for this game. Yatta!!!

    Can we have numbers from 11-20 next time for my 5th and 6th graders?

  10. Roger

    Glad you guys like my dominoes etc

  11. Margit

    these worksheets are really great. The kids I’m teaching are eager for some homework, so it’s great, that now I can give them to practice
    what they have learned in their lesson.
    One thing they were confused with was the letter “a” being written in two different ways on the top and bottom of the page. But I don’t know if this should better be fixed, or they just should get used to it. I told them there are mainly two ways of writing that letter, and they should be able to recognize each one. So I think it should be fine.

    Another technical thing with the dominoes: I’m trying to get the “under the sea” ones, but whenever I click it, the Nouns&Verbs one opens. Is this only me?

    And finally a request: I’m doing the “Creepy crawlies”, so it would be great to have crosswords/dominoes for this topic.

    Thanks a lot!!!

  12. Roger

    I sent in a few more dominoes they should be on-line soon

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