My friend Mary, well actually *Dr* Mary Barbera, helps parents and teachers of autistic children. Β This week, on Wednesday, she is running a free online video workshop. Β If you have any Special Needs students then certainly check it out.
I get a lot of requests for specific help with Special Needs students and although I used to teach Special Needs classes, and that Genki English is used in many schools in the USA for Special Needs kids, Β I always recommend seeking out help from professionals. Β Especially as we are learning so much all the time about how education works in this field, Β plus of course we want to do the very best teaching for these kids who are very often some of the most genki and amazing students we teach! π
So check out Mary’s course and do let me know how you find it!
Be genki,
P.S. Β On a totally different note, Β some of the teachers in the Teacher Training Academy were asking for a course on “presence” and voice training. Β Another of my friends, Elaine, has a course on this too, so do check that one out too.