Fancy learning a little Spanish? Here’s the new Genki Spanish site full of games to learn Spanish for free.

Please tell all your friends about it, either Myspace, Facebook or even real life ones!

Just to give you a quick taster, here’s the colours (or colors if you prefer!) game.

Learn Spanish for free

The trick is to:
1. Know nothing before you start,
2. Get a friend on another computer at the same time
3. Race to see who can do the game the quickest.

If you’d like to try it with your students, there’s also the Genki English and Chinese versions.

If you plan your lessons right you can virtually eliminate pre-teaching by moving everything online!

Richard Graham

I'm on a mission to make education Genkiโ€”fun, exciting, and full of life! Genki English has now been researched by Harvard University and licensed by the British Council around the world. The results have been magical! Now I'm here to help you teach amazing lessons, with all the materials prepared for you, and to double your teaching income so you can sustainably help many more students in the future!

7 Responses to “Genki Spanish”

  1. Yumiko Kusunoki

    I’ve just tried the colors game in Spanish. The only word I knew was blanco. At first Aygo could never climb up the banana tree. But clicking at random, I learned all the colors. It took me only a few minutes.
    I always like Genki English’s click-at-random-and-you-will-learn games. By doing the games by myself, I can know how students feel to encounter new words and how much practice is necessary to make these new words familiar to them.

    By the way, I was surprised to find this blog in the Japanese Blog Village Ranking!

  2. richard

    If anyone is wondering what “Japanese Blog Village” is you can click here to find out, and you’ll also help get the site higher ranked!

    @Yumiko: You should enter your website link when you post here, I’m sure everyone would like to see your great ideas!

  3. Yumiko Kusunoki

    Thank you for saying so, Richard.
    I’ve entered the link. My blog is in Japanese though…

  4. Margit

    Great! Spanish is one of my favorite languages and it’s fun to review it this easy way.

  5. Laura Meyer

    Richard, when I try to get to GenkiSpanish, my virus-site-advisor redirects me and declares the site “risky.” Even if I tell it to go anyway, it doesn’t find the Genki Spanish site. Has it been dropped, or moved? I’ve tried going directly, and also clicking on the game on this page ( ยกGracias!

  6. richard

    Hi Laura,

    Yes unbelievably my domain name registrar didn’t correctly renew the (and addresses and they have been taking up by scam sites.

    I’m working to find a replacement domain. Sorry for the frustration, and it is very hard for me too having lost all the hard work I put into it. I’m very happy you had a good anti-virus system on your computer though!

  7. richard

    Very happy to say that is back! >phew<

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