I’m on a bit of a Martin Seligman run at the moment. Β His classic book Learned Optimism (the opposite of learning helplessness, which is something that many are falling into right now) Β is a must read, Β The Optimisitic Child is a little old but contains some very useful material and his new book Flourish is very good so far!
According to Dr Seligman there are three keys to happiness: Β Positive emotion, flow & meaning.
He then adds in two more to give us a measurable quantity called “Wellness.”
So, how many of these five do you have in your class?
- Positive Emotion: Β Feelings of joy, smiles, laughter, feeling good
- Flow: Β When time flies by, Β you can’t believe it’s the end of class already!
- Meaning: Β Everyone knows why they are learning English.
- Relationships: Β The feeling of teamwork and working together to create something amazing.
- Accomplishment: Β Knowing what you have achieved as you move along.
I’m pretty sure we hit all 5 with Genki English!
How many do you have right now?