After a brief trip to Tokyo and a tour of Italy, this week I’m back in Spain. Β And this is the first time in about ten years where I’ve actually had to speak Spanish. Β ( I was here in April but was speaking mostly German – long story!!)
So … I don’t have the time to go through Michel Thomas or Pimsleur (which is what I used last time to learn Spanish) or even Duolingo ( which has become terrible this year!)
What I need is a just a super quick high speed review of the basic structures and a ton of vocab.
Which got me thinking that a few years ago I did start just a project for English leaners called the “Phonics & Funk Vocab Builder” series.
Now at the time I did stop that as most teachers back then just didn’t have the confidence to use it, I wrote it from the learners point of view so it is very fast because as learners we just don’t have time to waste, and that scared a lot of teachers.
But now that most students simply bypass average teachers (not you, you’re a superhero teacher!) Β and learn themselves online then maybe I should bring it back? Β What do you think?