OK, lots of you have been asking this, just how on Earth do you review 15 or 30 themes in just 5 minutes? ( Or even all 100 in 10 minutes?)
The answer …. well, it’s easier to see in video 🙂
So this usually is part of my $2000 Teacher Training Academy, but I’ve broken it out for you, for free, in the Genki English Facebook Group.
All you do is:
1. ⏱ Set a timer for 5 minutes.
2. Video your class reviewing as many of the GE themes’ language as you’ve done so far.
3. Upload it to the FB comments to get feedback/coaching on how to make it work even better for your class!
If you want to see what it looks like, check out this Facebook video from Anton – this was just his second video and it’s awesome! Plus there are so many other great examples in the challenge post.
It’s amazing to see the improvements even just a few small tweaks can make, plus of course reviewing *everything* you done so far in just 5 minutes makes seeing the progress you’ve made even more real for the kids (and impressive for the parents!) Plus the kids never forget what you’ve taught them!
Get your video ready and I’ll see you in the group!
Be genki,
P.S. The Facebook group is free to join for everyone at the moment, but make sure you answer the Facebook questions, they’re there just to make sure everyone understands English and isn’t a spammer 🙂
Great idea! I have been thinking about it. I’ll try it at my nearest lesson!