How to save time & stress & “flip” your classroom!



You wouldn’t have a student learning guitar without a guitar at home. That’d be crazy, right? 🎸❌

And it’s just the same with teaching English.

When students don’t have the chance to learn and practice the language at home, they come to class unprepared, and you end up spending most of your time re-teaching & re-teaching the basics.

It’s like trying to teach someone guitar when they’ve never even held one before – it’s a struggle for both you and your students! 🤦‍♂️

So let’s change it!

With Genki English @ Home and the “flipped classroom” approach, you’re giving your students an amazing “guitar” to practice at home. 🎸

😊It will make your life as an ESL teacher a whole lot easier and way more enjoyable! Let me introduce you to the flipped classroom concept! 🔄🏫


  1. Bye-bye stress! 🧘 By letting students learn content on their own before class, you can ease off the lecture pressure and create a more relaxed atmosphere. Trust me, it’s a game-changer!

  2. Hello amazing students! 🌟 With your fun and engaging lessons, you’ll attract more motivated and dedicated learners, making your classes even more rewarding! Win-win, right?

  3. Happy parents, happy life! 😇 When students own their learning and make progress, parents are more likely to be supportive and satisfied. So, fewer tricky conversations and more praise coming your way!

  4. Family time is precious! 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 The flipped classroom can save you valuable time outside of class, giving you those extra moments to cherish with your loved ones. Work-life balance? Check! ✔️

  5. Cha-ching! 💰 Your engaging and effective lessons can attract more students, help you command higher fees, or even land you better teaching gigs. Hello, upgraded lifestyle! 💃

  6. Grow and glow! 🌱 Staying ahead with modern teaching methods like the flipped classroom can boost your professional development and keep your career fresh and exciting!

  7. Satisfaction guaranteed! 😌 Stronger connections with your students and witnessing their success will give you that warm, fuzzy feeling of accomplishment. Who doesn’t want that?

  8. Let’s connect! 🤝 The flipped classroom can introduce you to like-minded educators, forming a supportive community that’ll have your back through thick and thin. We’re in this together!


Just how do you “flip” a class?

In a traditional 19th century classroom the students learn in class from the teacher and then practice at home with homework.

As we know, this only works well for a tiny minority of students.

For most students it leads to frustration and boredom as they have no way to get feedback or ask questions when they are at home.

The flipped classroom turns this on its head.

The students learn at home first and then do the practice in the classroom where you, as their amazing teacher, are available to give them feedback and answer all their questions.

This approach has revolutionized the way maths and science is taught,  with Bill Gates sending his kids to learn at the flipped online Kahn Academy rather than the best traditional schools in the States.

The challenge with English learning has always been that, unlike maths and science where videos suffice to explain things at home,  with languages, students need a much more interactive set of materials.

So enter the Genki English program on iPads, iPhones and Android as well as the traditional Mac or PC.

Here the students can hit each word as many times as they like, listening to the many different ways of pronouncing the words until they master them all.


They can listen to the Genki songs round and round and round again until the grammar is firmly stuck in their heads.


They can use the interactive games to get their listening skills perfected.


Then they can spend the precious classroom time on speaking with the Genki English classroom games.

For the teacher it saves you the dilemma of which level to pitch you class at.   Do you pitch it for the fastest kids and the lower level kids might fall behind?  Or aim for the lowest level kids but then the faster kids will get bored?  Or worst still, teach the “average” level of the class which isn’t perfect for anybody?

With the flipped classroom, all the kids learn at home beforehand, repeating as many times as they need to,  so they all come to class with the max level of knowledge ready for you to get them that all important speaking practice with the Genki English games.

It also solves another of the biggest problems for students which is fear of asking questions!  It’s often quite rare for students to speak up and tell the teacher that they don’t understand something in class.  And it’s even rarer if they still don’t understand and ask a second or third time!

But with a flipped class they can repeat and repeat and repeat the Genki learning materials as much as possible until they master it.    There’s no pressure to get it the first time.   Some children spend hours just repeating things till they get them right.  These are types of repetitions that they would never do in a traditional class but are essential in building their skills for the future.

When the Ministry of Education put Genki English on 800,000 tablets for their students, it was news all over Asia! Now it’s available for your students in Europe, Africa and the Americas too!

Even for your adult students, if you find they have “fossilized” certain wrong pronunciations then you probably don’t have the patience to “unfossilize” them by giving them the correct pronunciation a million times.    But the Genki software has that patience!

And if they are obsessed with learning “rules” for grammar, the Genki English songs will get that same grammar stuck in their heads without all the effort, you just attach the grammar name to the pattern they already know.

And as the Genki English software has many different accents and intonations for every word, they learn them all and get to understand that there isn’t just “one perfect” way to say things.  They master them all.

Then in class you just double check the meanings, make sure they have learnt everything correctly and then use the rest of the time doing what they need the most of – speaking!

You just tell them which lesson you want them to learn for next week, they get better results and you get that amazing new teaching life 😀


Just some of the teachers getting ready to flip their classrooms!


I’m feeling a little scared!


OK, so this might be a little new for you.   Here are a few tips if you’re feeling a little scared!


  1. “I’m not tech-savvy.” 😨 No worries! Genki English is designed to be easy to use, even for those new to technology. We’re with you every step of the way and what you’ll probably find is that the students will nearly always figure out the tech for you!

  2. “I’m afraid students will leave if I flip the class.” Maybe 😀 🎉   Usually though the only parents who’ll leave are the ones who don’t really care much about how their kids are learning!  And you’ll very quickly replace those parents with ones who LOVE your new approach!

  3. “Doesn’t it take too much time to prepare?” ⏰ Not really!   It takes a little initial effort to set up, but once you start you’ll save so much time actually in class that you’ll wonder where all this extra time came from! 🏆

  4. “I’m scared that parents won’t pay for a flipped class.” 🤔 Communication is key! 🗝️  Ask them what their dream outcome from your Genki English lessons would be and then show how flipping the class is going to get them there even faster with a lot more fun!  In the long run they are going to save a LOT of money.  Plus you as the teacher will earn so much more due to more new students being desperate to join your classes!  💡

  5. “I feel like I’m giving up control.” 🤷🏼‍♀️ Not really, you’re empowering students to take ownership of their learning. You’ll still guide and support them, but they’ll become more independent learners. It’s a win-win situation! 🎉

  6. “I’m resistant to change.” 😬 Embracing the flipped classroom and using Genki English doesn’t mean you’re losing your teaching style or authority. It’s just a new approach to enhance learning experiences. Keep an open mind, and watch your students thrive! 🌟

  7. “How do I assess and monitor students outside of class?” 🧐 You’ll very quickly see which students are or aren’t doing the work at home.  And then peer pressure takes over as they see all their friends participating and loving the lessons even more!   Problem solved! ✅

  8. “Parents don’t want to (or don’t have time to) help at home.” ⏰  Whilst you should always try to admit only parents who fully support you in your teaching, with the flipped classroom with Genki English & doing the basic learning at home, the students feel less stressed and much more confident in class. This leads into more enthusiasm and improved behavior at home, which not only enhances student progress but also vastly reduces the stress levels for busy parents! It’s a win-win situation for everyone! 😊

  9. “I’m worried about students learning too much too quickly.” 🤔  No need to worry! And actually isn’t that a good thing, though? When students learn at a faster pace, it allows you to cover more material and explore advanced topics in class.   You get to grow as a teacher and educator.   And remember, growth is good! 🌱🌟

  10. “I’m scared to try the flipped classroom approach. I’ve never done it before.” 😨 It’s normal to feel scared about trying something new, that’s what learning is all about!  But you also know with Genki English you have everything you need to make the transition to the flipped classroom a success. The materials and resources, along with our supportive team, are here to guide you every step of the way. The flipped classroom is a game-changer that can transform your teaching and the lives of your students. Don’t let fear hold you back from trying something innovative and exciting. Take the leap, and you won’t regret it! 🚀

  11. “But parents don’t want more screen time!” 📱 No worries, my friend! The flipped classroom with Genki English isn’t about mindless scrolling or just playing. It’s a fun and engaging way to enhance your students’ learning. Plus, with Genki English, you also have all the amazing printed materials you can send home with students to mix things up. Emphasize the value of these materials combined together and their purpose in enhancing student progress. With a bit of creativity and clear communication, you can win over even the most screen-averse parents! 🌟


Want to see what it looks like?

If you want to see what Genki English looks like online,  check out the Superhero Lesson below!  It’s just the same as everything you love in your Teacher’s Set but now magically mobile friendly & accessible everywhere! (It’s been a LOT of work getting it here!)   Set this for home work and see the results!


Wow! How do I join?
NEW:  You can now pay monthly instead of yearly!

If you’re in a government school, then speak to your head teacher about bringing Genki English to your classes.

Or if you teach privately, your students can either individually pay us directly with credit/debit card or Apple Pay or, as a teacher, you can buy discount packs for your students.

And, even better, as your students will improve so much, you can even add a commission to the price so you can gain one of those all important extra income streams!

Plus the more students you sign up, the cheaper per student it becomes.

Student Pays: 1 Student ~€10 / student / month
Students pay individually
~€10 per month per student
Or if you don't have 100 students yet ~€2.60 / student / month
Buy a discount package for up to 30 students.
+ Complimentary access for the teacher
€79 per month
(~€2.6 per student per month)

NEW:  Due to popular request here is an option for up to 30 students!
If you need a quote for more than 100 students or have any questions,  send me an email! 

With the groundwork laid, you can focus on helping them practice their language skills and dive deeper into the topics.

Trust me, it’s a game-changer!

Give the flipped classroom a try, my friend! It’s the stress-relieving, life-enhancing solution you’ve been searching for. I promise, you won’t look back! 🎉🙌


Richard Graham

I'm on a mission to make education Genki—fun, exciting, and full of life! Genki English has now been researched by Harvard University and licensed by the British Council around the world. The results have been magical! Now I'm here to help you teach amazing lessons, with all the materials prepared for you, and to double your teaching income so you can sustainably help many more students in the future!