Irregular Verbs Grammar Song now in Hip Hop Pack

Leslie wrote in to say that she loves theΒ Irregular Verbs song but didn’t want to buy the wholeΒ Download Pack to get it as she only teaches high school students.

Fair point. So I’ve just added theΒ Irregular Verbs songmp3 as a free bonus into theΒ Advanced Hip Hop Pack.

As I wroteΒ last year I really don’t like teaching grammar like this, but it’s apparently proving really good at drilling all the verbs into the kids’ heads!

TheΒ Hip Hop set is only $11.99 so it’s a bit of a bargain with all the other songs, workbooks etc. you get, so if you’re only teaching in high school then I’d say pick a pack up. Your students can of course access theΒ online version for free, and if you’re teaching kids as well then an investment in the mainΒ Download Pack also gets you the song!

Are there any other grammar lists/topics that your kids have to study and would like making into songs?

Richard Graham

I'm on a mission to make education Genkiβ€”fun, exciting, and full of life! Genki English has now been researched by Harvard University and licensed by the British Council around the world. The results have been magical! Now I'm here to help you teach amazing lessons, with all the materials prepared for you, and to double your teaching income so you can sustainably help many more students in the future!

17 Responses to “Irregular Verbs Grammar Song now in Hip Hop Pack”

  1. Margit

    Thanks Richard, I think it’s great to have this .
    BUT looking at it, I’m just wondering how the hell I made it to speak English.
    I did learn grammar like this. I was pretty eager with these irregular verbs. But it seems so weird to me now that my brain controls those”swim swam swum” “begin began begun”

  2. richard

    That’s because you also used the right way – actually using them!

  3. Julian-k

    No song requests for the minuet, but I would like to request a downloadable software/video pack for GE Hiphop. These songs are marvelous for adult/private lessons, however im getting more and more students wanting lessons In cafes where cutting the bits of paper up or using the internet just isn’t possible. If I had the software on my laptop I’m sure I’d be using GE Hip-hop every lesson.

  4. richard

    Good idea, let me see what I can do. But … If you hit “save as” in your browser then it should save all the files for you to use offline!

  5. Margit


    please, please could you give same examples of how you use these songs in your lessons?
    I think this would be a great thread for the forum as well.

  6. Julian-k


    Yeah…. that’s a really good point!


    I’ve used them allot with older/ adult students. Generally I have them go through the language first, then have them listen to the song and do the cut-up-worksheet or whatever. Any new words we’ll practice, then I ask the student to ask me five questions using the grammar point and I’ll do the same. Just ten or fifteen minutes at the start or end of a lesson really. I also use the normal GE software in much the same way as a warm up or way to go over weak points – I also have one adult student who only uses the GE software. Generally we cover more than one theme in a lesson and practice mixing the language up to make new patterns.

  7. Flossy

    Julian thanks for the teaching tips. I really must give these songs a try with my older classes. It sounds like they could be very popular too.

  8. Margit


    thanks a lot. This sounds really good. Maybe I should get some adult students again.

  9. Jane

    Hi, Richard,

    I’m looking foward to some new lessons for 8th or 9th grade junior high school students. Eg, past tense stories, sense verbs….etc.

    I think my students really need GE; some of them just forget everything I teach. They think Eglish class is boring. πŸ™

    I really hope you can create more interesting songs for junior high school students. They will surely help a lot. Thank you!!

  10. richard

    Hi Jane!

    If you could let me know some more specific example sentences then I’ll see what I can do. The problem with JHS is usually the English chosen by the textbooks, so it is really hard to make stuff fun that the kids would never use! But we can try …

  11. Jacs


    Is there a pdf to go with this song?


  12. richard

    Unfortunately not no, I just the song in as a bonus…. but if it was a pdf what would it have on it? Just the list of words? Or any other ideas?

  13. Jacs

    A pdf of the words you have currently for the song would work for starters. :.)

    I can then go through each page at a slower pace before playing the song?


  14. Margit

    Hi, coincidently I found this.
    That pdf looks really cool. Actually too cool. On first sight, when it opened I thought: “Wow, how fun”
    Well, not that I neglect this on second sight, but I wonder how this could help me to teach.
    Jacs, if you have an idea, please let us know.

  15. Julie

    Hi Richard, I purchased the hip hop pack with the bonus irregular verbs song sometime ago, but I’ve only just come across the pdf today, quite by chance. This is very much appreciated, as due to the rapid pace of the spoken words, I know that a hand out is something my kids would like to have. This is a great time saver for me, thanks. My kids are nearly teenagers and I’m finding it increasingly difficult to provide absorbing fun material to interest and motive them. Of course games are what they enjoy most, but it’s difficult to know just how to present irregular verbs as a fun game. Any ideas?

  16. Richard

    Hi Julie, glad you found the pdf! And of course thank you for buying the hip hop songs! πŸ™‚

    With the irregular verbs you can pretty much use any of the regular class vocab games, but just get the kids to make three sentences with each verb.

    Or stories are also pretty cool for these, limiting yourself to just the irregular verbs seems to inspire a fair bit of creativity! e.g. with the dinosaurs:

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