Is there anything we’ve missed here?

Over the past few years I’ve helped a lot of teachers in just about every country and I think we’ve now covered all the needs (and wants!) that most teachers have to teach really great lessons.

As you look over the list here, is there anything you think we’ve missed?


🤔 Students forget everything? Genki Songs. Play around and around everyday (either kids on phones or school PA). 10 mins per day. Boom job done, today’s chunks remembered.

🙊 Students need more speaking practice? Genki Class Games, to simulate real life. Done in class time.

🎧 Students need help with pronunciation?  Genki Digital flashcards. Hit each word round and round, mimicking each different intonation until they can say every word and chunk with perfect pronunciation. (10 mins per day)

📚 Students need help with reading? Speaking first. Then Genki Phonics. Then extensive reading.


🧪 Need to teach grammar? Chunks. Get a curriculum that teaches in chunks instead of words and formulae. Boom, job done.

🥊 Need help with discipline? Discipline Toolkit that comes as part of the Teacher’s Set.

💰 Need to earn more money? It depends how much you want, just starting = free course, want to earn a few $1000 more = Teacher’s Set course, want to break six figures = Genki Business course.

👩‍👧‍👧Need more students? Genki Business course.

👵 Need better relationship with parents? Genki Business course ( to attract the right parents/students!)

🏋🏻‍♂️ Need more training? Quick win Videos for every lesson on the VIP curriculum page or the Teacher Training Academy course if you want to go more in depth in teaching in general.

💪 Need more self confidence? Do the Genki Growth Mindset course (videos with the Teachers Set) Then read a lesson. Teach a lesson. Teach each Genki Lesson one at a time, let the computer handle the pronunciation, watch the reaction of the kids and off you go.

🥐 Need a community of other teachers? Check out the Facebook VIP group 🙂

💯 Need to teach for tests? Up your game. Get the students confident in speaking ASAP ( this will get their grammar), then phonics for reading, then teach test prep.

📝 Need help with writing? Stories. Always win. Genki Storywriting course (included with the Teacher’s Set.)


I think we’ve covered most of those in the Teacher’s Set, there’s just extensive reading and test prep that you’ll need external materials for.

Is there anything else you need or are struggling with? Or is there anything else stopping you right now?




Richard Graham

I'm on a mission to make education Genki—fun, exciting, and full of life! Genki English has now been researched by Harvard University and licensed by the British Council around the world. The results have been magical! Now I'm here to help you teach amazing lessons, with all the materials prepared for you, and to double your teaching income so you can sustainably help many more students in the future!