Messages to Japan from Vietnam

Stephen from Vietnam has sent in these amazing messages from his junior high school students.

If you are teaching in Japan (and Gumby I know you have evacuees with you) then please show them to your students.

They are very impressive, both in their message and in the childrens’ skills.

Download:Β Messages from Vietnam

(Right click and select “save as” as it’s quite a big pdf file!)

Here’s a brief word from Stephen:

From Vietnam – We all feel for the beautiful people of Japan. Praying that there are no more of these terrible disaster. We love you all, our sympathy goes out to all that lost near and the dear ones.

This project was undertaken at one of the public schools here at Ho Chi Minh City with year 7 class. Taking into account that I only spend about one and a half hour a week with each class at various schools I feel that these kids did a terrific work.

There was no preparation, no vocabulary build up, and certainly no time for grammar lesson or correcting the spelling. This was not the focus of the exercise. What really surprised me is how the students reacted with positive and genuine attitude. They were very keen and sincere, caring about the rest of the world. They really are wonderful kids. So, here is there work. Kind Regards from Vietnam

If any of you have projects you’ve been doing with your children then please do send them in.

As you know we have many teachers here from Japan and I’ll also post them on the Japanese version of Genki English.

P.S. Β Keep tuned in for tomorrow. I have a very EXCITING way that you can help with the tsunami crisis.

Richard Graham

I'm on a mission to make education Genkiβ€”fun, exciting, and full of life! Genki English has now been researched by Harvard University and licensed by the British Council around the world. The results have been magical! Now I'm here to help you teach amazing lessons, with all the materials prepared for you, and to double your teaching income so you can sustainably help many more students in the future!

8 Responses to “Messages to Japan from Vietnam”

  1. Amalia

    Hello Richard,
    Thank you for your work.
    I’d like to share ‘Messages from Vietnan’ with my friends but I can’t open pdf file. It shows an error message.
    Could you reupload the file?
    Thanks a lot.

  2. richard

    Hi Amalia,
    The file looks OK, try right clicking and selecting “save as” That should hopefully get it to work!

  3. Amalia

    Thank you Richard. It could be my computer. The message says that it is not possible to decode the file.

  4. richard

    In that case you might need to update the Adobe reader from

  5. Margit


    this is great work! And a beautiful project. I’m also impressed by the way you put it together and presented it.

    Question: How did you put things together?
    Are these photos of the single message cards or did you scan them?

    Thanks a lot for sharing!

  6. Amalia

    Thank you Richard. I could see the ‘Messages from Vietnam’ at last. Wonderful work!

  7. Chi Nguyen

    Thanks a lot for sharing this kind of amazing project… Message from Vietnam! We are praying for Japan.. keep moving on…

  8. Anna

    Such a wonderful message. We all pray for Japan.
    Thanks for sharing this.

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