Finally they are here, and thank you for all the requests – they do spur me to action! – Β the workbooks for Level 12 Legend and Level 13 Miracle ( although I am thinking I should have gone for “mega” instead of Miracle! Β )
Ninja Tip: Β Make sure you educate the parents that these are just for them to see what the kids have done in class. Β Make sure they don’t try to make the kids “read” or memorize any of these – the letters are just there for the parents! Β If they are wanting the real pronunciations and/or have the kids learn the English before the next English class then theΒ talking homework on the Superclass pageΒ is what you want.
All the workbooks, and other printables, are on the VIP printables page.
Or just in case you need them altogether to make it easier to print, Β here they are!

P.S. Β As always, if you’re not a VIP Member yet, get your Teacher’s Set order in today and you’ll be able to download all these workbooks – and a whole lot more – from the VIP pages of the website!