Nuclear Explanation For Kids

I’ve been trying to find a good, preferablyΒ animated, way of explaining the nuclear power station situation in Japan to kids (and I guess a few adults!) Β  Wikipedia has some good stuff but it’s a very high level.

But now I just found this (click here if you are on email and can’t see it) thanks to the Wall Street Journal. Β Speaking as someone who studied nuclear physics for four years Β I must say it is a very accurate and an excellent analogy, even if polite company might not like it too much!

View it yourself and then please show it to your kids.

Richard Graham

I'm on a mission to make education Genkiβ€”fun, exciting, and full of life! Genki English has now been researched by Harvard University and licensed by the British Council around the world. The results have been magical! Now I'm here to help you teach amazing lessons, with all the materials prepared for you, and to double your teaching income so you can sustainably help many more students in the future!

10 Responses to “Nuclear Explanation For Kids”

  1. Anca from Spain

    Thanks, Richard. I’m going to use this with my kids. They keep asking me questions: what’s this nuclear in Japan?

  2. Elena

    What a splendid and simple explanation. It’s worth to show it to adults as well because all people fear what they don’t understand.
    I hope this boy will get better soon.

  3. Natalia Ambiado

    Wow, how eloquent!!!! Thanks Richard I think I’ll be showing this to my family……They are so scared with the sensationalist news.
    Regards from Chile.

  4. Teresa

    The presentation is simple and yet very informative. This lessens the fear and confusions of kids as well as for some adults that gives so much panic to most of us.

    This makes me smile. I luv it!!!

  5. Liza

    At last something I can show my daughter. Thanks.

  6. Julia

    This video is not only about nuclear power situation. It’s about how to be tolerant toward disabled and sick people how to teach our children who are sometimes cruel to each other to understand feelings and sorrows of a sick person and to pity him or her.

  7. Miki

    I think the video is nice for explain to children what is happening now in Japan. But nuclear is dangerous, it is not the future. Radioactive waste will stay in the world for ages. I hope the world will understand from this accident that we need to stop using nuclear power plants to make elettric corrent. The world need to use alternative resources.

  8. missy

    Haha!!! This is the best!! I’m posting it on my Facebook page for all my family and friends. Hopefully it’ll shed a little more light on the situation. Saying it’s 900km away just isn’t doing the trick for them. I hope this is the answer!! And thank you to “Unchi-kun’s doctors!” May they save that boy from pooping!!

  9. Bee

    Haha! this was awesome! I love the straight forward kid language πŸ˜€ … and he pooped right in the classroom! HA! hahaha Something kids will definitely relate to.

    I too posted it everywhere for friends and family to see πŸ˜€

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