In two weeks’ time, on the way back from my India workshops I’m stopping off in Thailand and then Cambodia to do a two day workshop for the Pepy ride teachers.

I got their newsletter again yesterday and one of the great stories is how they are using the new XO “$100 laptops”. The amazing thing is that instead of using the machines to learn, the older kids are using the computers to make teaching materials for the younger kids. As the saying goes, if you want to master something, teach it.

I’ve seen English lessons where older kids teach younger kids before, but to be honest they never seemed to work. The younger kids were always learning faster and had better accents!

But to actually make teaching materials sounds like a much better idea, it’s something the kids can take time over, it will be fresh and exciting (because it’s made by kids and not teachers!), it’s something that will last forever and it’s something the kids can take a pride in. It is a wonderful feeling when people learn something from something you’ve created, be it a worksheet, a poster, a song or an animation.

Here’s the full article: Khmer Literacy and XO Computers

So the question is, how can you adapt this idea for your classes? What could your older classes make that would help them and their younger schoolmates? Maybe it’s a silver bullet that will make 6th grade classes really work?

Richard Graham

I'm on a mission to make education Genkiβ€”fun, exciting, and full of life! Genki English has now been researched by Harvard University and licensed by the British Council around the world. The results have been magical! Now I'm here to help you teach amazing lessons, with all the materials prepared for you, and to double your teaching income so you can sustainably help many more students in the future!

4 Responses to “Older kids teach younger kids”

  1. Julian-k

    This is a really interesting idea – certainly not one id never thought of! It’d be super easy to take a week or two out from learning new stuff and spend some time making flashcards, words-card’s, posters…….or whatever the kids want really. It’d could even be taken a step further, with all the video-cameras and equipment my school has lying around begging to be put to use! I think as long as the projects presented in the right way, It’d be a big hit.

  2. richard

    Yeah, I was thinking the ICT teachers might be interested as well, it gives them something concrete to do in their lessons, plus it looks good to show something when the parents visit!

  3. Emma


    I wanted to react to that article.
    I have a 12 years old who is amazingly shy. When I met her with her granny she wouldn’t even answer easy questions, like her name or class.
    Her granny said she would like me to help her in English but obviously even a small group of 8 kids would be way too unconfortable for her.
    I was thinking, maybe I should ask her if she wants to have private lessons and give it a try to be my assistant with 3-5 years old kids. What do you think? It’s often easier to connect to small kids because they don’t bully you or mock you, etc.
    Please let me know, i really would like that girl to overcome her shyness. Even only a bit would be a great step.

  4. richard

    It’s certainly worthwhile trying!

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