Autumn 2015 How to 10x Your School’s Income Coaching Program!

UPDATE:  We have now finished this live coaching for this year, keep an eye on the blog to see when it re-opens!

Are you ready to take your English school to a whole new level?  This is how you do it!

During the summer we ran an online intensive coaching program for school owners.  “Life changing” was just one of the reactions we’ve got.

I videoed all the sessions and now, till Friday,  I’m opening them up again in a special 3 month School Owners Coaching Program.

How much is doubling or quadrupling your income worth for you?    $10,000?  $5000?   $2000?

Well how about just $899?   That’s not monthly,  that’s the one time fee for the full 3 month course.    Get just one new student and it will pay for itself!

UPDATE:  We have now finished this live coaching for this year, keep an eye on the blog to see when it re-opens!


Ninja Tip:  VIP owners are the cool people who have bought the Teacher’s Set – it’s a $200 discount so you might want to pick that up first!)

A few rules:

  • Watch the video above before signing up. ( If you haven’t got time to watch the video, the program isn’t for you. 🙂 )
  • This is for school owners, or those who are thinking of starting their own school, to double, quadruple or even ten times your income.   If you don’t like hard questions or hard work, again this program probably isn’t for you. 🙂
  • You have to get signed up before midnight Friday September 25th. 
  • I’m expecting a few dozen people, if 100 of you sign up straight away I might close the registration early.  (And this email will be going out to 12,000 teachers!)
  • Once every two weeks you will get a new video session.   Then one week later we’ll have a LIVE online group video “hangout” where you can ask me all your questions!  These will either be on Wednesday or Friday depending on my schedule and will probably be very early morning in Europe/afternoon in Asia/late night in South America.  The first LIVE session will hopefully be Wednesday 23rd September.
  • We’ll be using Google Hangouts so you’ll need a Gmail address.  (It’s free to make one.)  If you’re in China, ask your friends how to access gmail and youtube over there. 🙂
  • This is going to be awesome for your life, your business and your teaching.  But this is the first time I’m launching it on this scale so anything could happen! 🙂
  • If you’re all amazing people who sign up I’ll probably throw in as many bonus things as I can for you.  I love awesome people who ask questions, say when they don’t understand and take action when they do!

Super Bonus:

The first 10 people to sign up will get a free 30 minute one-on-one Skype personal coaching call with me.  You can either take it before the course starts to get a head start (the best option for me),  during the course if you get stuck or afterwards if you want a follow up.

The Awesome Contents:   

I’m sure we’ll cover all sorts of things, but here are the key themes of the six recordings:

  1. Self intros, business basics and the big secret to getting more students:  just who do you wish to change?
  2. Pricing!  What everyone wants to know: the formula for finding out exactly how to charge what you are truly worth.
  3. Marketing, framing and getting more students than you thought possible.
  4. Daily Routines & Success Habits of millionaires and super successful school owners.
  5. How to hire awesome staff.  Or maybe not. & your Million Dollar Business Plan
  6. The final session, the future and accountability!

Plus I’ll make sure to cover all the ideas in the Start your Own School free course.    Ninja Tip:  The free course is for you if you don’t want to commit to taking your business to the next level in the coaching program.

Plus of course a ton of other things that I’m sure will crop up.

I’ve got so much to share with you.  Just imagine all your business problems lifted from your shoulders,  how would that feel?  And what would that be worth to you?

Check out some of the testimonials from previous students:

For any of you who are sitting on the fence trying to decide whether or not to sign up for the Genki English Coaching Program, I have only one thing to say: Do it now or regret not doing it later.

I was one of you, too busy, the timing was all wrong; I was even going to be in a different country for a large part of the course. I didn’t have the time and I didn’t want to spend the money. Yet, something in the back of my mind kept nagging at me. I thought, ‘This is your business we’re talking about, your future and the future of your family that’s at stake. Are you really that confident that you know everything there is to know about owning a school?’ Of course I don’t know everything! If I did I wouldn’t be working so hard just to get by! So, I made up my mind to take the course and I am grateful that I did, My only regret is that I didn’t sign up for a course like this before I opened my school, it could have saved me so many headaches.

I’m betting a lot of you are just like me. I’ve read countless books on marketing and business, I’m confident in my teaching methods and I have a passion to see kids reach their fullest potential. But face it, most of us school owners are working in a vacuum. We read something, we think we understand it so we press ahead with it…but sometimes we get it wrong and we don’t even know it. The GE Coaching Program will show you where you went wrong and give you the knowledge you need to put things right. The work is still yours to do, but at least you will know that you are working on the right things.

Additionally, the contacts you make during the course are worth the price of the course even if you gain nothing else. Imagine being able to ask follow school owners how they deal with this or that…we all face the same challenges, we all have strengths and weaknesses. To have a ready source of knowledge at your finger tips, to no longer work in a vacuum, to able to bounce ideas off of other like-minded school owners….definitely worth the price of the course!

Get off the fence!
– Bob


The course is unique and one-of-a-kind. I love how it’s targeted exactly towards opening your own language school.. and not just your own general business. It’s exactly what I needed to gain the knowledge and confidence necessary to start my own English language school. Richard is very helpful, inspiring, and most importantly, he tells it like it is!  – Katie


When I signed up for this course, I was miserable in my work. I’ve owned my own school for 5 years and although pretty successful, things were not heading in a direction that I wanted to be going. Pushy parents and lazy part time teachers left me feeling overwhelmed and overworked and I had lost sight of why I had originally opened my school.
Richard’s course was very thought provoking as well as practical. It has helped me learn to work smarter, making me a better business person, and a better teacher. I’m well on my way to getting things back on track! Thank you Richard!  – Lindsay
 The results are great, I have 60 students in 8 groups, I work 4 hours a day with great pleasure – Helen
I found the whole experience absolutely worthwhile .
The amount of support and feedback you get from Richard is priceless.
I would definitely recommend the coaching program to people who need to energize their business or for those who want to start having their own business.  – Yaniv

Hi Richard!

When you wrote about you were going to organize an online business coaching program I suddenly felt I had to jockey for joining it !!

Now after the 6 weeks of learning – 6 weeks of active listening, watching, reading, thinking, writing, communicating, researching, analyzing,  discussing, trying, making mistakes, but having fun, and finally coming to a conclusion I can say it was worth it!

Except the energy you spread over thousands of miles there were other effects of the course:

  1. It really changed up my mind. I started to think more optimistic.
  2. It helped me see my value as a teacher and a person.
  3. It helped me to become more confident in what I’ve been doing until now and continue developing my own way of teaching GenkiEnglish.
  4. It showed me what to do to become a good manager.
  5. It gave me many hints and tips to keep on going this way.
  6. It let me talk about money stuff without any diffidence.
  7. It made me feel that nothing is impossible!
  8. Now I’m going to enroll students for my first private class and I think I can do it!

For all these things I have to thank you Richard!

You are a great fascinator, performer, inspirer, and energizer!

I’ll do everything to turn the energy I got from you into something that will make my life and the life of people who come to me better!

I’ll try to bring the energy to my students and inspire them like you inspired me!  

Wishing you all the best!

– Julia



And that was just some of the feedback.

So get ready to join us and take your life and business to the next level!


UPDATE:  We have now finished this live coaching for this year, keep an eye on the blog to see when it re-opens!

Be genki,



Richard Graham

I'm on a mission to make education Genki—fun, exciting, and full of life! Genki English has now been researched by Harvard University and licensed by the British Council around the world. The results have been magical! Now I'm here to help you teach amazing lessons, with all the materials prepared for you, and to double your teaching income so you can sustainably help many more students in the future!

8 Responses to “Autumn 2015 How to 10x Your School’s Income Coaching Program!”


    Ciao Richard,
    can I join your course even if my English is not good? I’m the school managing director, not a teacher. If I have to watch videos or read your tips, non problem, but it could be hard to me to be active part of your live lessons.


  2. Annika

    Hi Richard!

    Will you do more of these courses in the future?

    I did think of starting my own school about a year ago but changes in law has made it more difficult, namely rigging up start-up costs to unrealistic level. So, I signed up to a few free business courses (because I haven’t given up the idea of my own school quite yet) and started studying psychology (I hope it will help me to be a better teacher eventually) I could earn perhaps 25% more in a big international school but now I have a free hand to teach phonics (no Genki songs etc) with my own materials, because I’m “an expert” instead following a prescribed general English book and reaching an unrealistic page number: in effect going through the motions and filling up the book regardless if the kids have learned to speak or not, and not having any time for the fun stuff… I think a lot of teachers who started their own school can relate to that!

    My ex-colleague wants to start his own school too, but he says he won’t do it unless I join him as a partner. He is a caring teacher but he has been teaching English the traditional way so many years that it is difficult to turn his head to genki way of teaching. Without seeing it in practice and the results, how can I convince him? And how do I convince him that starting a school in the city, with all the competition, still makes more business sense than having one in the countryside despite less competition? (I gave it quite a bit of thought, even when another teacher planned to open a school in a village.)

  3. Annika

    Oh, maybe this isn’t the right thread to ask, but what do you think of working part-time somewhere else at the beginning? I am thinking of all the start-up and running costs before having enough students to cover them, and to avoid the trap of accepting too many. If anyone has done that, what was your experience (pros and cons?)

  4. Richard Graham

    Hi Riccardo,

    The people who got the most out of the Summer program were the ones who spoke really, really good (native or near native level) English. And as we were going quite fast then to be honest some of the not so fast speakers did find it a bit tough. But hopefully in the future I might have the “videos only” part of the program available without the live sessions, so that one might be better for you!

  5. Richard Graham

    @Annika: The scheduling has turned out to be quite a nightmare in term time. So I’d probably be looking at just making it a video only course (without the live interactions) or maybe looking at the school holidays where everyone is more flexible if I did do it again.

    As for the start up costs, the best way in this business is to start with zero:

    Psychology: yes, yes, yes, it completely changes how you market and how you teach!

    Competition means there is a market, which is what you want. And if you set yourself up right, like I show in the course, then there will be no competition for you. But make sure you and your partner are 100% perfectly aligned, otherwise I’d say go it alone!

  6. Richard Graham

    @Annika: Yes many teachers started up whilst teaching somewhere else part time – it’s a great safety net if you don’t feel up to the “jump and then grow wings on the way down” aspect!


    Ok Richard, I’ll wait for ‘videos only’ lessons.

    Thanks a lot

  8. Annika

    Thank you Richard! You must be getting hundreds of private messages as well. Yes, I am looking into all the options while I am in planning stage: it’s the admin side of running a school that scares me because I haven’t got any experience or training and I’ve witnessed already how easily a school can can fail with poor planning or marketing, or unmotivated and untrained staff. Even owned by people with more than enough money to burn.

    I think an independent video (maybe with text files to cover main points for teachers like Ricardo) is a good idea. What about adding to that a discussion forum for those who paid the course?

    Ps. I don’t quite see how the psychology course would change anything in terms of marketing or even teaching unless I could do more relevant Youth Studies. Of course I HOPE it does eventually make me a better leader / teacher. (The same thing. ) But this question is not outside the topic here, so I don’t really expect an answer.

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