Here’s something a little different for you, photo real flashcards!

I was originally using them as flashcards for the GenkiJapan site, but they looked so good I had ones made up in English as well.
Some of the pictures look so good they’d be great on the wall as posters.
The idea isn’t to teach them all, they’re just vocab after all, but they are a great way to introduce more vocab into themes the kids have already done. e.g. once you’ve done “I’d like some…?“, you can hold up one of new cards, teach the name and ask “So how do you say you’d like some of this in English?”.
I could have put them up as individual files, but decided to do them up in “pdf” sets so you can shrink them, put lots on one page or enlarge them when you print them out. Currently we have “food & drinks”, “sports & hobbies” and “house & home”.
Let me know what you think and I might have some more made up!