I really love tech. And I know a lot of teachers really like paper!
I’ve also been really impressed with my daughter’s school textbooks that have links to interactive content.
The challenge with paper of course is that it doesn’t talk. And kids need lots and lots and lots of talking input to be really great at English. Plus it also needs to be interactive i.e. hitting things rather than passively watching a Youtube video.
So …. I’ve been doing a few experiments with the funky new “Quick Response” QR codes.
I would really love to hear your thoughts on these.
Do they work when printed? Are the useful? Does the content we link to help your students? Or maybe you’d just prefer good ole fashioned paper on its own?? Please do let me know, it would be a lot of work to do all of these so all feedback is very much appreciated!
The first one is for the regular speaking curriculum and “What were you doing?”

And then I’ve been experiment with the phonics workbook too:

VIPs also have the full Genki Phonics Workbook 1 with QR codes to try.
This is all a big experiment to see if we can help kids more and as I can’t travel now to see more kids using them myself, it would be really amazing if you could let me know how you get on with them! ( Or indeed if I can just leave the idea and get back working on other things!)
Thanks in advance!
Be genki,
P.S. I know a lot of teachers don’t like apps and things like that, so I purposely tried to keep this as simple as possible. It’s not a “teacher replacement” it’s just helping out by adding talking to the pages. So do let me know what you think!