I just read in the new Zig Ziglar’s new book a very interesting quote about educational achievement:

I don’t have the full details of the study, but it certainly rings true with all the research we have done.
Outside of getting a good breakfast (which is usually the single biggest thing you can do for kids academic achievement) , homework is by far the second biggest predictor of success.
But of course it has to be the right kind of homework!
When we’re talking about English, you can’t learn pronunciation from a textbook.
And you can’t learn grammar from rule books (it just slows you down too much.)
What you need is lots of high quality, interactive input.
This is why we’ve put so much effort into the Genki English homework.
It’s games, it’s music, it’s fully interactive and it works like crazy.
All the success stories you see of stress free Genki teachers, that all comes from the kids having the software at home.
It’s going to be very exciting to see what happens this year, as for the first time after 10 years of hard, hard work, we now offer all of this to students on iPads/iPhones/Android as well as Macs and PCs.

As it’s now online there’s also a whole new pricing structure too.
In fact this morning I was doing a quote for a teacher where the price came out at less than €2 per student per month!
Obviously we can’t do that for all teachers (this was the price for 100 students and the price decreases as more students enroll) but it does now make this much more affordable for all your students.
Of course it’s a fantastic opportunity for you to increase your prices to real market rates (the price of top level English lessons has gone through the roof this year due to the changes in China and in Europe with Brexit & Covid) by adding your own commission.
Plus of course who else out there amongst your competition has their own branded online software content?!!

If you want to get started in September then be sure to get in touch ASAP letting me know how many students you’d like to enroll, I’ll get you a quote and we can make sure everything is up and running for the new term! (If you leave it too late we might end up being too busy to get everything done in time!)
This is going to be an exciting year!!!
Be genki,
Hi Richard!! Yes! Then Homework project is a great opportunity.
Last year I bought approx 100 subscriptions and I’ve already bought 100 more for the coming year!!! I’m so grateful for your that. Thank you to all the people involved in this project!!!!
I would like to hear more details about that study. What age group did they research and what di they deem to be “quality” homework?
Other studies that suggest “regular” homework is not very effective. Some countries give very little or no homework because of recent research findings.
The most effective use of homework I have read about is homework during long summer breaks. Many students, especially students from lower socio economic backgrounds tend to go backwards during long breaks, but giving them homework or keeping them at school maintains their progress.
But I do believe in English homework, like the Genki English homework because many of our students aren’t in English environments every day. They can lack progress because classes once or twice a week just aren’t enough and because the gap between their lessons is too long for them to retain what are learning.
Fantastic Barbara!!!! Let’s get on a zoom call sometime so we can see if there’s anything else we can do to make it even more amazing for you!!! 🙂
Hi Trevor,
Yeah, I think the key here is the “quality” word. I read the book on Blinkist so I don’t have the full citation though!