Till Friday Only: Discount Download Pack & All the Money Goes to Help Japan


*** This Offer Has Now Finished ***

Thank you to everyone who participated.
I'm very grateful and very proud of you all.
VIP Members please feel free to use the materials below.
And check the blog soon for a full report.

(If you already have the Teacher’s Set or Download Pack then please read  further down for how you too can help!)

Thank you to everyone for all the over 100 messages to Japan and all the comments on the media overreaction – which incredibly even led to me being quoted in the Wall Street Journal this weekend.

Now it’s time to really ramp things up ….

I still want to do more, so I’m trying something new.

I haven’t done this before so I’m a little nervous, but let’s see how we go…

I’m sure you also want to help the thousands of people whose lives were devastated by the tsunami.  That was the real horror story here.

So for the next 5 days, until Friday 25th March. If you buy the Teacher’s Set Download Pack, you’ll get a

*HUGE* $10 discount.

Eh, Only $10?

There’s a reason!

It’s because every penny of the money you pay for the pack I’m going to donate to the Red Cross & the tsunami relief effort.

All of it.

The $10 off is just a “bribe” for you to act now, I really want to give as much as possible.

I NEVER discount the pack, and in fact it is going UP in price soon.

If you’ve been on the fence about buying the Genki English Download Pack.  Now’s the time to buy!

You get the discount, your kids get the best lessons they’ve ever had and the kids in Japan get the money.

I’ll cover the fees…

Now to tell the truth there are credit card payment fees, server fees and lots of other stuff like that.

But I’m going to cover all those myself. Every penny you pay gets sent to the Japanese Red Cross.


As I wrote before, there was no panic but there are huge areas of the country where towns, villages, schools, houses and homes have been washed away.  The nuclear threat was media made, but the devastation of the tsunami is very real.

And although we see the devastation on TV there isn’t that much really we can do sat here where we are.

I usually believe that using our own skills, abilities and talents is better than simply cash donations at times like this.

I’ve put my blood, sweat and tears over 12 years into making the Download Pack and it is my primary product, the biggest source of income I have and probably, if not THE, best English teaching system in the world.

So that is what I am giving as my donation. I will do more in the future, but for now, I’m hoping this is enough.

They made it …

A lot of kids are without anything where the tsunami hit.

But you know it’s because of a lot of those kids that we all have Genki English today, the songs, the games, the picture cards.

I really mean it when I say most of the ideas for the lessons come from kids, and a lot of those ideas came from the kids when I was touring it what are now the tsunami areas.  These kids here, they are in Iwate.  Right in the middle of all this.

So it only seems right to give them all the money from the sales.

You stingy beggar – only till Friday!

Bear with me – there is a reason! It’s because I know that if I offer it for a month people will go “Oh, that’s nice” but then get busy and not act on it.

So I’m keeping the time short.

VERY short.

You’ll only get the discount and the donation till Friday March 25th

Midnight Japan time.

I’m hoping we’ll sell a LOT.

It’s priced in dollars so we should meet five figures.

Six figures would be totally amazing – it’s a goal for us all to try and meet!

Plus First 50 Get an extra special bonus

Plus to make it even better for you, for the first 50 people who order from right now will get the Hip Hop Advanced Genki English Download Pack included for free. All the cool Hip Hop songs that you’ve seen work magic on Margit’s kids last month, the mp3s, the grammar worksheets, the games, the works.  Everything.  You get for free. Again I’ve never offered these together, it is an amazing gift.

The 50 is counting from when this blog post went live, so if you are on email then you might already be behind,

so get your order in now.

Why not the CD packs?

This offer is only for the Download Pack. With the CD packs too much money is wasted on pressing, printing, packaging and postage. With the download pack, and if I cover all the expenses, then every single penny gets to where it needs to be.

Plus the Download Pack uses less fuel and uses less energy. I think everything in Japan this week has shown us how important reducing energy is. This is the most economical, the most ecological way to get the best education for your kids, and hopefully a little light to the kids in Japan.

If you already have All the Genki English volumes….

I have a special request for you.

Please in the comments write up some words about how the Genki English pack has changed your classes

People only buy things if they see how much they are helping others. If they see what a good investment it is and how it can transform their classes they’ll want to buy it more.

Has it  made your kids happier? Or more eager to learn?

Has it cut down on your preparation?  Or brought you more students?

Has it made your students happier?  Or improved their English?

Put it in your words and let the teachers who are on the fence see what an amazing way of teaching this is.

Please don’t buy the pack again (I know you want to!) It’s much more efficient to simply donate the money yourselves. And of course write up in the comments below.

But If you already have a FEW Genki English CDs….

Get it now!. Treat it as a free/paid upgrade – you’ll have all ten volumes and super easy to use menu –  and all the money is your donation to charity.

More bonuses and bribes to come ….

I want to give you more.

Keep an eye on the blog, I’m polishing up a few more bribes and bonuses to give to you for buying this week.

Everyone who buys will get them all so get your order in now.

In fact the more we sell the more motivated I’m going to be to come up with extra bonuses for you all!

How can I trust all the money will get there?

It looks like the Red Cross is the best place to donate the money.  All the sports stars, pop stars and large organisations in Japan seem to be going through them.  (If you have other suggestions then please put them in the comments.)  Usually I donate directly to governments or educational charities, but this time I guessed you would all prefer somewhere that is internationally recognized.

I’m doing this for a reason, because I want to and because it is what I think we should all do. I pretty sure this is the best way.

Finally …

Even if you don’t care about Japan, then still buy the pack now.

There’s a reason it is used in thousands of schools around the world and featured in countless press and TV articles.

It works.

It brings energy and life to your classes and makes your students, and their parents, learn more than you could imagine and keeps them begging you for more.

If you need an instant boost of energy in your English lessons right now, then this is the program for you!

Details are here and here is the direct link to buy it now.

Today is your chance to get it for a bargain price and help the people of Japan.  But only for the next few days.

If you have questions, write them in the comments below and please tell everyone you know!  Let’s make a huge difference together!

Be genki,


P.S. The servers are going to be under a lot of strain and all the email support I will be doing myself.  Everything *should* run 100% smoothly but it might take a little time for me to reply to messages.   Let’s see how much we can raise, tell your Facebook and Twitter friends and let’s buy the best English system in the world now!

Richard Graham

I'm on a mission to make education Genki—fun, exciting, and full of life! Genki English has now been researched by Harvard University and licensed by the British Council around the world. The results have been magical! Now I'm here to help you teach amazing lessons, with all the materials prepared for you, and to double your teaching income so you can sustainably help many more students in the future!

24 Responses to “Till Friday Only: Discount Download Pack & All the Money Goes to Help Japan”

  1. Margit

    What a wonderful offer. I hope all the teachers in the world don’t think twice and get it.

    And as Richard is saying :
    Even if you are owning the CDs already: Don’t hesitate to get this download pack. It is so much easier to use ; you can jump through all 10 volumes for reviewing several topics within 5 minutes.

    And teachers who don’t have it yet:
    I’ve been using GE since 5 years, with the result that my 5th graders are much better than my junior high (2) students (as these haven’t used GE) and my 3rd graders are junior high (1) level (well I think they are actually better considering their will to speak)

    All kids just love the songs, love the illustrations and the characters.

    And their progress is amazing.

    WOW, what a brilliant idea. I mean even without the 10% discount, donating and still receiving such a major product!

  2. Margit

    Oh, and too excited that I skipped the questions from above:

    Yes ! It has made my kids happier, but alos the parents.
    I never have a kid who doesn’t want to come to lesson, and some even come though they had taken of school that day.

    And it absolutely cuts down my preparation time. Though I must say since I am using GE my job has become my hobby and I think about my lessons and students all the time. Because I really want to, It’s like eating 3 meals a day.

    But if there are days where I’m kind of weak or my kids are sick, or like last week just not in the mood to prepare anything, it is not a problem at all, as I have everything I need just there.

  3. julian

    That is a truly heroic gesture, Richard!

    I’ve posted a link on my facebook page, which has already had an enthusiastic response.

    For those who are still in doubt (surely there can’t be any now!) the materials in this pack are absolutely perfect. By far the best I have ever used in 20 years of teaching experience.

    I have lost count of the number of kids who tell me how much they LOVE English now. It is even placed number one above PE in their favourite subjects!

    Oh, and on a side note, the results are fantastic too! 😉

  4. Darren

    I’ve been a Genki user for the last year and half here in Vietnam.

    For those of you who are thinking about buying the pack, I would like to put your minds at ease. Richard has put a lot of time and effort into creating this teaching resource so that you can save your time for doing other things.

    After buying this resource I think you will find yourself relying on it more and more, especially since it’s so easy to use.

    I use Genki English songs, flashcards, game ideas and software for my children who range in age from 4 years old to 12. The kids love it and so do I!

    The price paid is not much when compared to the benefits. And wow if you get it this week not only do get what you paid for, but you also help those who are suffering in Japan. What else is there to say?

    Darren in Vietnam

  5. richard

    If you are on Hotmail/Yahoo just check in the spam folder if the email with the download links doesn’t appear straight away, it looks like they are being a little over zealous today!

  6. Nena

    Yes! GENKI ENGlLISH is really what it says it is…
    fun, easy, and complete method of teaching! You get everything ever need and more…Friends and colleagues that help each other, in every possible way!
    Richard is a wonderful and generous…believe me you really get your moneys worth and more with the GENKI DOWNLOAD PACK!

  7. Gumby

    It is no coincidence that Genki English closely relates to all that I have read on the brain and how it learns. Students of all ages really do remember!

    catchy tunes that are packed full of what children WANT to say
    videos that make meaning clear from the beginning
    humorous pictures that help you remember
    fun games that put you at ease and encourage you to try.
    picture books that put the language in context

    I have purchased a lot of different packages, but GE is different. It has grown 2-3 fold since I bought my pack and Richard continues to create new materials. He has always been generous and shared with the VIP members. You will not find a better deal for what you get in this package!

  8. Roy Melling

    I arrived in Korea two years ago and was placed in two elementary schools in Korea. I didn’t have a clue but I did have an idea of how my class should look. I used google to find some expert advice on how to teach kids. I found Richard’s Genki English teacher training videos and knew that that was the way I wanted to teach.

    For the first semester, I simply used the Genki English tips and saved up for the download. During the start of the second semester I gladly purchased the download pack. I was excited and thrilled to have the GE software on a big projector. The librarian was angry because I played it too loud 🙂 When you buy the download you get some many extras! You also get access to the VIP forum AND there are lots of ideas shared on there too. The Genki English software is the best investment I’ve made since coming to Korea.

    These days, I wish I were back in ES teaching kids and not in a HS!

  9. Chazottes

    Hello Richard,
    This is really a great idea you’ve got, as soon as I read it I decided to subscribe for the download pack.
    Thanks a lot for all these Japanese people and continue with your great ideas to teach english with really a lot of fun.

  10. sussie

    I’ve been using GE for almost two school years now, and I have to say it’s nothing less than amazing! It’s absolutely the best material out there as it gets the kids wanting to learn English!
    As Margit said, I’ve never had problems with kids not wanting to come to class since I started using GE and usually they don’t want to leave when the lesson is over…
    GE is also so much more than just an English teaching material, it’s the GE teacher network, it’s Richard’s amazing support for everything and everyone, it’s the forum, it’s the wholly different approach to learning English that I’ve found totally innovative and that has changed my way of teaching.
    So thanks Richard for GE and for making it possible for us to contribute to helping the Japanese people through this truly generous initiative!

  11. P.B.Lecron

    Using Genki English has made my teaching so much better and my kids so much happier! They beg for their favorite songs and learn the expressions so quickly. All of the supporting materials are great, too, not to mention the fun games and teaching tips. Thanks a million Richard Graham!

  12. Jocely Kikuchi

    Q. How the GE super pack has changed your classes?
    A bit huge and hard question ( putting things in words) is a challenge for me.
    Truly to say, the GE CDs made my students happier and eager to learn more in English. Even if I didn’t like it my students loved it so I strive- harder to learn how to love the products. My students were the one who inspired me to use the GE CD’s, taught me more ideas and gestures on how to dance with the music and have fun of it.
    The GE CDs made my classroom becoming more brighter than before. It’s my best partner in teachin and I regarded it as one of the most important materials in teaching to children. Sometimes it acts as my extra mouth- piece in times of voice- trouble.

  13. Gen

    Richard, you’ve got your finger on the pulse yet again. What a fantastic and selfless offer, bearing in mind this is your main source of income.

    For anyone in two minds about buying this product – just do it! You won’t look back. In fact you will quickly forget the money that was spent as you marvel at the quality and quantity of the materials. Yes, there are funny, memorable songs that the kids beg to hear again and again, but that is only the beginning. For all the songs there are accompanying cartoons and mini-lessons for those non-native teachers who lack confidence in pronunciation. There are also games and karaoke options.
    Furthermore Richard has prepared endless photocopiable games to practise the new vocab including uno style games, dominoes, flashcards, imagination worksheets, etc, etc.
    Then there are weekly mails with new ideas and you become part of the worldwide Genki network.

    My students LOVE the songs and materials. They get good grades at school and have clear pronunciation. The parents LOVE seeing their children performing at Christmas and in Summer at mini-concerts. There are NO absentees in my classes-even when they have missed school that day. And the best bit? I can prepare classes in super quick time with the minimum of effort and what’s more when I’m having a less than Genki day myself these songs never fail to put a smile on my face.

    BUY NOW – you will not regret it and you get an added bonus of doing some good for those who need a little help to get back on their feet.

    Best Wishes to you all,


  14. Danielle

    I use Genki Englis daily in my English classes in France! The kids just love all the songs and games! They really get into it and I can review any material by just singing a few bars of a beloved song!

    I have used many methods over the years, but none that excite the kids as much as this one! It is WELL worth the purchase price and I’m glad that I didn’t hesitate.

    But Beware!! you’ll find yourself singing the songs all the time, they are soooo catchy!

    Richard has created a very good system here and you won’t regret the purchase!
    Love and Light

  15. Charlie

    I was asked to teach english at my children’s kindergarten in Austria 18 months ago. I have no formal training in either teaching or language…. but I decided to give it a go! I surfed the web and decided that Richard’s Genki English programme looked fun and offered an awful lot of material for the money. I am so glad that I invested in it. The english lessons were such a success that I was recommended to two other local kindergarten this year. All of the children love coming (apparently, that has never been the case before) and remember the songs really easily. Just last week one of the kindergarten teachers asked me why every teacher of whatever age child can’t understand that learning must be fun! Thank you Richard – your concept is brilliant and it is really amazing that you continue to give us access to new materials post purchase!

  16. Lines

    You are always the best Richard as genki english is. When I asked my pupils to write and draw something for Japan,all of them wrote I LIKE GENKI ENGLISH.
    Teachers without genki english couldn’t be good. Only teachers who has genki english and use it in their classes can feel how to become a good teacher.
    I bought it and I have never seen something so good for teaching to primary and also secundary. If I where the Minister in education I would spend my money in buying genki english in order all Spanish schools could teach English in a funny way and the students would be happier and of course better English speakers.

  17. julian

    Richard – is there a page with all the download pack info in Japanese?

    I want to get all the schools I work for in this area to get their own sets, but they’ll need some convincing. If they can read it for themselves, it’ll help a lot.


  18. richard

    Hi Julian,

    I just put this out on my Japanese newsletter:



    Usually we find that the teachers who aren’t hot enough with their English usually aren’t comfortable with computers enough to actually download and use it. And we end up getting swamped with angry phone calls and emails about when the post office will deliver their “download” etc.

    So …. I’m thinking… and I really need to think this through more…. is to maybe do something with the Japanese USB packs ( http://genkienglish.net/superpackjusb.htm ) and say offer to donate 10,000 yen of the price or something. It’s a lot more tricky with physical packs as there are so many hidden extra costs that I’d need to cover. Does that help?

    And thanks to everyone for the amazing stories here. I don’t get to hear them often enough and I’m definitely going to save them to look at on the hard days when nothing seems to be going right!

  19. julian


    I have heard from my ‘boss’, who is the go-between between the schools and myself, that he might be able to wangle it, as long as it is less than 20,000yen, so the download pack is still the way to go for them.

  20. Liza

    Ditto all of the above. I have all the CDs up to Vol 9. Then I got the download pack – that ramped my teaching up another notch. No more faffing with changing CDs – just plug in the usb stick and away you go. Brilliant.

    PS @ Charlie, where are you in Austria? I’m in the Vienna Woods area.

  21. Dawn

    I had a student who was really uninterested in my after school classes, he used to bully the other kids as he was quite big. He also completely ignored me. Then I got Genki English and the situation changed altogether. He is now my most ardent student and became teachers helper without me asking. From a bully to a helper. Is that not awesome.
    So go ahead people buy you teachers pack and you will experience the magic.

  22. Nuria

    You have to see it, to believe it! I`ve been using Genki for a year in my hometown, Guatemala. Children learn a lot of vocabulary, English in context, listening and speaking. They love to go to English class because they have fun, play and interact with friends. Parents just love to see the little ones understanding the language. The best invesment ever!
    Thank you Richard.
    Greating from a magical country.

  23. Cat

    Has it made your kids happier? Or more eager to learn?
    -> YES!

    Has it cut down on your preparation? Or brought you more students?
    -> YEESS!

    Has it made your students happier? Or improved their English?
    -> YEEEESSSS!!!

  24. Carol

    Genki English materials are fantastic and the kids love love it! I have been using GE for several years and the expense was well worth it!! I give GE a 10 star rating on a scale of 1-5, it’s just that wonderful.

    Richard always has something new coming along and is there if you need him. Fellow GE teachers are supportive on the forum as well. Come and join the GE family!! 🙂

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