Today was the Tokyo version of the Kobe JET Programme renewers conference I did last month, which both together had about 1,000 participants. As usual it was a different vibe in Tokyo to Kobe ( bigger city, so people are more dispersed I guess), and things were overall very good.

I did, however, mess up the timing of the first one something rotten! Sorry! After having two pretty much perfect workshops in Kobe, I walked into the first Tokyo one expecting it to be just as easy from the start. But before I’d even got to the genki stuff, I just asked the JETs to stand up and some of them moaned! ( Didn’t they read the title on the door? ) That really threw me, and I paced it way too slow, ended up having to cut out the High School parts ( and most of them were high school JETs as well) and didn’t have time to do the Genki Speech. So I do apologise for that!

The second was just totally different, and everyone was just so nice and friendly from the start, totally perfect. I paced it really, really fast, and over genki, and everyone kept up and I managed to do everything including the high school stuff ( but not unfortunately the new podcast games!), and got in the full length genki speech. The room was electric at the end! Great, brilliant.

Mind you people were coming up to me after both workshops to say how much they got out of it, so that can’t be too bad.

It was also good to do the Version of the “Left & Right” song, and especially the second group were going crazy with it. Well, it is the World Cup this week after all!

Anyway, I’ve written everything up and you can find it on this page: The 2006 Kobe/Tokyo Recontracting Conference Notes. Enjoy & be genki!

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Richard Graham

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