Where are you from? Your Mix!

Sarah very kindly emailed me to say the countries had been mixed up on the printable lesson plans for “Where are you from?” Thank you very much for letting me know, hopefully they should be fixed now. (I’m always happy to hear about mistakes on the site!)

We do have different versions for different areas, for example the Thai government obviously wanted Thailand including in theirs, and the India schools wanted India (the kids go mad for it!), as well as the British Council wanting “Britain” instead of “England” for their version.

So I’ve just uploaded a couple of different mixes on to the Where are you from? page. They work great for catching your kids out after you’ve done the CD version. Just play the new version and get them to figure what the new countries are. It’s great listening practice, and it’s great if you have any know-it-all kids in the class.

Want your country included?

If you want a version for where you are, put a message into the comments below, any country that has more than 4 votes will get included in your own new version, only one vote per person though! : )
(You can of course get your friends to vote!)

Richard Graham

I'm on a mission to make education Genkiβ€”fun, exciting, and full of life! Genki English has now been researched by Harvard University and licensed by the British Council around the world. The results have been magical! Now I'm here to help you teach amazing lessons, with all the materials prepared for you, and to double your teaching income so you can sustainably help many more students in the future!

10 Responses to “Where are you from? Your Mix!”

  1. Margit

    Germany , please. I think it should have a chance to get 4 votes. Kommt, meldet Euch!

  2. Fantastico

    and Turkey! There are Turkish kids all over Europe, so maybe the teachers there will vote, too. The song is a success with my class all the same. As soon as the song finishes they shout out “I’m from Turkey!” and wave their flags…

  3. Rosebud

    Ich bin auch dabei, Margit.

    Germany, please Richard.

  4. Flossy

    Austria, of course!!!It would be cool to use the countries all around Austria, as it is landlocked, that would then include Germany too. Maybe it would be interesting to have versions for each continent?!?! Just a thought!

  5. Carol

    How about France? Germany is fine too.

  6. Sara

    Mexico! Mexico! Mexico! (Look! That’s 3 votes!)

    And it would be great if it would be possible to change “America” to “The United States” or even “The US”, as the rest of North and South America can get a bit (rightfully) testy when the US hogs all of “I’m from America” for itself.

  7. Julian-k

    I’m going to vote for france, too.

  8. Liza

    Austrian pop star Reinhard Fendrich had a huge hit in this country with a song called I Am From Austria, which I’ve always tied in with the Where Are You From song. so I’m with Flossy.

    In fact one of my themes in a couple of weeks for the 2nd years is the EU. So any suggestions on that one welcome! As I teach in a multi-cultural school it should be an interesting lesson.

  9. Spencer

    I’m going to suggest something interesting. After a week or so later after teaching the 5th graders “where are you from?” I decided to make that answer less political and less boring. Whenever they ask me “where are you from?” I reply “I’m from the moon!” I think you can see how fun this can be by keeping the childrens’ interest levels high, use their imagination and practice English. After teaching them any lesson, they see the possibilities and come up with things like “I’m from the computer,” or “I’m from a cat!” The possibilities are endless. You can even tie it with the superhero lesson! Weeee ^^

  10. Gudrun

    Definitely Germany, please.
    How about a European version including Germany, Britain, France, Spain, Italy, Greece, Austria and Turkey? As these are the most popular vacation spots around here, this helps European kids talk about where they go or went on vacation.
    It would be great to also have the corresponding languages lesson, Do You Speak … with it!

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