superhero fly

Katie just wrote in with a great idea of using the “????” sound from the I like animals lesson, but this time with the Superhero!

Hello! I’d like to make a suggestion for the Superhero lesson that worked really well for my class.

I started off as you do, with the intro and hellos.

Then the student presenting would say “I can fly” and instead of having the group respond with “wow!” I had them respond with “You can fly?!!!” with increasing intonation on fly (like when you hear something really interesting and you want to clarify).

The presenter would respond “Yes! I can fly!”… then continue on with the next one “I can jump”. “You can jump?!?!?!” Yes, I can jump!”

This helped to encourage listening, as the class had to repeat what the presenter said.

And also a little grammar from changing “I can” when presenting to “You can” when listening πŸ™‚

Hope this works in your class!

Do let us know what you think of Katie’s idea in the comments, or indeed let us know your suggestions too!


Richard Graham

I'm on a mission to make education Genkiβ€”fun, exciting, and full of life! Genki English has now been researched by Harvard University and licensed by the British Council around the world. The results have been magical! Now I'm here to help you teach amazing lessons, with all the materials prepared for you, and to double your teaching income so you can sustainably help many more students in the future!

7 Responses to “You can fly????!”

  1. Andrea

    That’s a really good idea because it comes up naturally, a lot.
    Usually, the kids repeat back whatever they hear (to understand it), so changing the person will be challenging.

  2. Karen


    I’m doing superhero at the moment.
    I’m going to put this to the test tonight


  3. Eveling

    Bueno estoy comenzando a enseΓ±ar y realmente es muy divertido enseΓ±ar con Genki InglΓ©s hasta para mi, gracias por el aporte.

  4. Ann DeSimoni

    I tried with smaller students and we added “We can fly too”!. So everyone is doing the action part and having even more fun with English.

  5. ketti

    Nice!!! I’ll try it next week!!! At the moment we are doing the superhero lesson wearing superhero hand made outfits. The children are really having fun and learning… We love Genki!!!

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