Zsófia just wrote in to share how her students have been using the Genki English Avatars as a motivation sticker book!
I’ve been meaning to share this for some time now but I just got to the end of my “experiment”.
I used the firebird avatars to reward a group of younger students.
The story was that their English is just like raising a pet, the more they know the bigger, older the bird gets.
So, after each level they had an “exam” and if they passed (of course they did!), they got a sticker of the appropriate firebird.
It’s amazing how motivated they felt, to want to learn more and more to see how their knowledge AND the bird grows 😊
I made a sticker book, now it’s complete from egg to firebird and they took them home to show their parents.
And what’s even more amazing, is that the other groups got even more motivated now that the others know what the bird looks like at the end (they had to promise to keep it a secret) 😏
Cat’s up next!
Thank you, Richard
And here are Zsófia’s books:

And the full book:

And the cover …

If you want to try it yourself, VIP Members (lifetime VIP membership comes with the Genki English Teacher’s Set!) can download the different Avatars below.
We have the firebirds above plus the ice fox and some seasonal ones for later in the year!

This is such a good idea!
How can we get a copy of the different sticker books?
Hi Carolyn, the sticker books you just make yourself (it’s a basic template) then you can just print out the avatars above to stick in the them!