Tag Archives: discipline

How to keep discipline in large classes & get all the students joining in

Julia wrote a comment on the previous post that said… Itโ€™s wonderful how you keep ALL the teachers (even in the last rows) singing and doing the gestures ALL the time! Government school teachers are often worse than teenagers ๐Ÿ™‚ and when I have 200 students in a class you have to have *everyone* doing…


My Best Discipline Teaching Techniques & Ideas

At this time of year half my emails are full of praise and wonderful stories (thank you!) and the other half are full of tales of unresponsive older kids,ย inattentiveย younger kids and every discipline problem in between. Invariably one group is using Genki English and one isn’t (I’ll let you decide which!) But whichever group you…


Discipline: The helper!

We’ve had plenty of Discipline ideas before if you have several (or a whole class!) of misbehaving kids. And today’s discipline technique is for when you are lucky (or unlucky!) enough to have just one difficult student. And it is very simple: Make them your executive assistant for the day! He/She comes to the front…


Discipline: The Agreement!

Short Version: Set two rules at the beginning of every class you teach: 1. Respect everyone 2. Tell me when you don’t understand.   Or the long version …..   Wow, yesterday’s post on the “bad kids at the back” and the proximity trick certainly proved popular. Judging by the feedback and comments I think…


Discipline: The bad kids at the back!

One of the most popular questions in the surveys is always about discipline and how to keep kids under control. And contrary to what people often think, a fun class is usually the mostย disciplined. ย (Otherwise it would just descend into chaos!) Luckily there are a few simple “ninja tactics” to make even the toughest class…


Discipline: How to get a class full of perfect students!

How would you like a class full of little angels who are all your perfect students? A lot of the time we talk about actual practical techniques here, but this is something different. This is how I get great students, for everything, it’s a really simple technique, but it really works. What do you think?…
