Your Daily Dose of Genki English!

Hello, Hope things are going great for you! I get a lot of teachers asking: Do you really teach Genki English to adults the same as kids? And the answ...

In case you’re wanting to do a Halloween party or event, I’ve just added a new printable Halloween Certificate. It’s fully personali...

This month has been a record month for newย  VIP members sign ups – thank you very much! Over on the VIP Forum there was a request for a video t...

Here’s a bit of hot news for you … The Thai government has justย bought ย 800,000 tablet PCs for every primary grade one student in the co...

As part of the training last week we sent the teachers into real classes to see how they got on with their very first phonics lessons! I thought you m...

Tomorrow is International Talk Like a Pirate Day. Which means it’s a fantastic excuse to get out all the Pirate lessons! The first, and best of ...