Your Daily Dose of Genki English!

From all the emails I’ve had I know quite a few of you are busy at work writing your next year’s curriculum. To give you some inspiration,...

Valerie wrote in to ask where the Printable Elementary School curriculum was. ย ( She liked how she could print it out to show parents or co-workers, ...

Interesting post on the BBC today about how… “Waving your arms, wriggling your fingers and striding around a room can help you learn faste...

Yep, that’s me in a suit! After seeing my May scheduleย  ย lots of teachers have written in asking: What on Earth do you have for breakfast? And...

Whilst we’re waiting for my TEDx talk to come online (it seems to be taking ages!), here are a couple of interviews I did this last year. The fi...

I know many of you are using the Spring holidays to catch up on printing and laminating, so here’s a little more to add to your workload. ๐Ÿ™‚ F...