Your Daily Dose of Genki English!

With the school owners training program I get a lot of teachers asking me questions like: The parents here don’t care about quality lessons, ย t...

UPDATE: ย And we’re all full up! ย  Welcome toย everyone who got in,ย this is going to be very exciting! Are you wanting to start your own schoo...

Yes, it’s another great game from the ACET teachers. ย  ย Originally this was for shapes,… ย but of course we can jazz it up! 1. ย Put the...

I don’t really like writing about this publicly ( because I don’t want to get swamped, and equally I don’t want to feel guilty about...

I know some of you are very much against Yoga in the classroom, ย so this only applies to those of you, and your parents, ย who feel comfortable with ...

Flor just wrote in ask: I am about to purchase your complete course of Genki English to teach groups of little kids (4,5,6 years old) However, before ...