Your Daily Dose of Genki English!

The latest Genki Halloween Ideas …. “What do you do on Halloween?” & โœ…โœ…Sometimes, โœ…Rarely & โŒNever! New for VIP Memb...

UPDATE: ย Thank you to everyone who got in in time – welcome! ย The price has gone up now, ย but it is still exceptional value if you really wan...

Hello, I hope you are having a fantastic start to the new term. And also that you’re not too into Halloween prep yet ๐Ÿ™‚ Lots of people have be...

This week’s Teaching English FAQ video comes Live from LA. Some of the topics we cover are: How to make an English cafe Large classes How to kno...

We all need more positivity in our lives. ย  And one way to do it is to concentrate on the English we actually use, or teach. Fill our heads with good...

As you’ve probably found out, ย how you sell your lessons to parents and prospective students comes entirely down to how you think about yoursel...