Happy New Year again 🙂
First up for the New Year we have the 2021 Genki Calendars. These you can use to “gamify” your classes or homework. Students get points for doing the different activities each day and it makes a huge difference to your kids’ (or adults!) motivation!

Ninja Tip: Of course this works best for the “flipped classroom” with the exclusive Genki English Software Homework Program This is THE way to teach if you are online this year or only have one class per week. Or if you want to stand out as the best English teacher in your town. In a world where everyone else is using textbooks, if you have a personalized software package for your program, now that is what impresses the parents who really care!
And if you want more printables we have thousands more pages ready for you in the VIP Printables page which you can find from the VIP menu at the top of the website:

Ninja Tip: There might be a few VIP bonuses that you’ve missed, so do check out the menu, I think you’ll like what we have added for you this year!
OK, I think that’s enough to get you going for 2021, don’t forget the New Year song in your Teacher’s Set and I’ll see you later on in the week!
P.S. You might have read about “flash” in the news this week. This means that websites that use the flash plugin won’t work from this month. I think we have transferred all the online Genki English printables over to pdf format, but if you spot any that we have missed then do let me know! Downloaded flash files should be all OK, just make sure you have the latest Elmedia player if you are on Mac!