Your Daily Dose of Genki English!

I hope you managed to pick up the Social Media Content Calendar last week – it should save you a lot of time in getting new students this year! ...

I always recommend going through the Genki English lessons in Curriculum order for at least the first time you teach them. But of course adding in top...

Update: ย Congratulations to everyone who downloaded the calendar in time! ย  & Tatiana just wrote this in the FB group this morning! Social Media...

Some great news this morning – we just added the 7 latest “sneak peek” Genki English lessons to Genki English Online!ย  Your student...

UPDATE: ย  Thank you to everyone who joined this month’s ย VIP Zoom Call! ย If you’re a VIP and missed it, ย check out the “Take Awa...

The cool thing about being all online now is that we can do interviews and chats all around the world. ย  I just did a really cool music podcast inter...