Your Daily Dose of Genki English!

Hi , Hope you’re having a great weekend! You know how everyone loves cute puppies & kittens, yeah? I figured, with all the cool AI tech we n...

Hello, This week I’m at the huge (2,500 teachers!) IATEFL conference in Harrogate, England. A lot of the presentations here are about English in...

I was just updating the Teacher’s Set download page with the new Union Pay credit cards and I realized that we now also have an Apple Pay option...

I wrote this up for the Facebook live today and didn’t get to use it, so I thought I’d add it here. ย  I’ll cover: How to get lots o...

Hello, I hope all is well! I’m back in the UK this week to attend the IATEFL conference in Harrogate.ย  ( Are you going?) And whilst I’m h...

Hey there, my friend! There’s this one super-easy question (and just a few follow-up queries) that separates those rockstar teachers with an end...