Your Daily Dose of Genki English!

Yesterday was the kids Gingerbread Cats song. ย Today it’s back to cool teens/adult students with Genki Cool Santa! Check out Part 1 and all the...

I asked the other day which characters to use for the “What do you do on Christmas Eve?” song and it was close but ย ….. the Gingerb...

Oh yes, it’s Christmas! ย We’ve got an amazing selection of Genki Christmas lessons to teach so many English words, phrases & grammar ...

Hello! A lot of people take a look at Genki English and think it’s only for beginner students.ย  ย ( And even worse, some think it’s only ...

Hello, I’m working on a new “What do you do on Christmas Eve?” song. ย  But …. which character would you love to see in there?...

A little smile for Thanksgiving …. What kind of key can’t open doors?   Happy Thanksgiving! ย  ย And if you want an amazing Thanksgiv...