How many days till Christmas? & Flipped Classrooms on Youtube?

A few of you have been having problems with What does Santa do?  on the Homework Program.

Would it help if I uploaded the video to Youtube for your students?

Do let me know in the comments, I’ll get it up there if enough of you need it 🙂

Have a try at home ….

And for those of you who can’t get into the Homework Program yet (it’s fully booked except for those of you who were on the workshops this month),  the How many days till Christmas? song is  on Youtube right now for you to try.

It’s a great way to put the “flipped classroom” to the test – where students learn the English at home through the song then you play the game in class.  It’s incredibly powerful, and incredibly popular with parents!

Check out the Khan Academy TED talk where he shows how powerful it can be for kids to learn at home *before*  they tackle the topic in the classroom!


Richard Graham

I'm on a mission to make education Genki—fun, exciting, and full of life! Genki English has now been researched by Harvard University and licensed by the British Council around the world. The results have been magical! Now I'm here to help you teach amazing lessons, with all the materials prepared for you, and to double your teaching income so you can sustainably help many more students in the future!

4 Responses to “How many days till Christmas? & Flipped Classrooms on Youtube?”

  1. Amy

    Yes Please! I don´t have the homework program but I would like to be able to have the What Does Santa Do lesson in my program. It´s a great song! I´ve tried to save the link a zillion times and nothing shows up for me.

  2. Dacha

    Hello Richard,
    yes, please! That would be very helpful for my older students ! Somehow – the french verbs and tenses are much more complicated than English ones!- the students here get absolutely stuck on the “s” at the end of the verb in 3rd person singular. Thank you! In my case my computer just freezes when I try to open the link…have no idea why?

  3. Ria

    Hi Richard

    If you could upload it on youtube, that would be fantastic! My pupils would love to be able to sing along with the song now that the holidays are so close, this is one of their favourites.

    I somehow missed this homework program, I’ll check it out right now.

    Thanks for all your help and support, Richard.

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