✅ The power of yet!

Good morning!

How are you doing?

So I’ve got a quick little series of videos here for the growth mindset. When you’re trying to learn something or teach something, getting the mindset right is one of the most important things.

The words and the technical stuff and learning the skill, that’s all quite easy.

Getting the mindset is one of the most important things.

So one of the first words we’re going to do today is the word YET.

The power of yet.

So, for example, if you can’t do something you say “I can’t speak that language … yet.” “I can’t do that … yet.”

That means you can’t do it yet but you’re going to do it in the future.

Your brain thinks “Okay, let’s get ready for learning it, cool.”

That’s called a Growth Mindset.

And the opposite is a Fixed Mindset.

For example, a lot of people say “I can’t do that”

“I can’t speak that.”

“I can’t do that.”

“I can’t earn that.”

“I can’t help that.”

“I can’t be friends with that.”

“I can’t do that.”

Then your brain says “Ah, that’s impossible! Let’s switch it off, forget about it and rule that out.”

That’s why a lot of people, who want to learn languages, want to start businesses, want to travel and do cool stuff,  they can’t do it because their brain shuts down when you just have these absolutes of “I can’t do it.”

But the magic is that in any sentence you can put the word “yet” on the end of it.

So “I haven’t made a $1,000,000 yet.”

“I haven’t had dinner with the Queen yet.”

“I haven’t won a Nobel prize yet”

Now does that mean you’re going to get all these things? Of course, not.

What it is doing is keeping open the possibility.

So when you’re talking about things that are more down to earth, like getting fluent in a language, like travelling, like setting up a business, doing whatever big dreams you’ve got like going into outer space, you’re always keeping that option open.

Then the subconscious part of your brain is always on the lookout for ways to make that happen.

The conscious part of your brain is only a tiny part of your brain, things mostly happen in the subconscious.

If you’re programming the subconscious to say “I can’t do that.” Then it shuts off. But if you say “I can’t do that … yet.” your brain starts looking for ways to make it happen.

Whether you want to live in beautiful Italy, want to get fluent in a language or whatever it is you want to do, you might not be able to do it now, not yet.

Just put “yet” at the end of everything and you’ll be super awesome.

Cool. That’s the first one in the series.

If you like it, let me know. And do tell me, what sort of things are you wanting to do that you can’t do ….. YET? Put that magic word at the end there.

I’m Richard from Genki English and from Location Free Lifestyle.

And I’ll see you later.

Bye bye.

Richard Graham

I'm on a mission to make education Genki—fun, exciting, and full of life! Genki English has now been researched by Harvard University and licensed by the British Council around the world. The results have been magical! Now I'm here to help you teach amazing lessons, with all the materials prepared for you, and to double your teaching income so you can sustainably help many more students in the future!

3 Responses to “✅ The power of yet!”

  1. Elen Shvets

    Hi, Richard!
    Thank you for your inspiring ideas! I believe in some inner and outer restrictions yet. And I am ready for dropping them off. It opens me the opportunity to be financially stable and lead a free lifestyle.

  2. Richard Graham

    Good luck Elen!

    And thank you Cristina – I never even knew they did a song for this! Awesome!!

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