๐ŸŽ„๐ŸŽ… The “Genki Christmas Starter Pack” – FREE for everyone!!

๐ŸŽ…VIPs click here.

It’s been a crazy year! ย And I wanted to finish the year on something genki, positive and crazy happy!

So ….. whilst VIPs have a whole suite of Christmas Lesson Plans, Songs, Games, Ideas and Activities, ย as it is the season of Goodwill & tomake this year a little extra special I’ve put together a free “Genki Christmas Starter Pack” where everyone can get free access to three of the top Genki Christmas lessons – complete with the song on YouTube!


1. How many days till Christmas?

You are not going to get this one out of your head! ๐Ÿ™‚ ย  Lots of great Christmas verbs and some amazing classroom games to enjoy!


2. Gingerbread House!

One of the most fun lessons to do in a group, either in class or online on zoom! ย  Again, try getting the song out of your head ๐Ÿ™‚
VIPs also have access to bonus flashcards & mini cards.


3. The 12 Genki Days of Christmas!

Teachers and kids were making their own version of this using lots of great, simple Christmas words. ย So we jingled it up and everyone can enjoy it this year! ๐Ÿ™‚

12 Genki Days of Christmas: ย Linking together the two themes above into a Genki version of the popular song!


If you want more …..

And if you want more Genki Christmas lessons, ย you get access to the full set of songs, along with all the bonus printables and computer games with the Genki English Teacher’s Setย – along with a whole suite of other VIP Bonuses!


Have a very Genki Christmas!!

Be genki,


P.S. ย VIPs can get access to the full suite of Christmas Lessons Here!


Richard Graham

Hello, I'm Richard Graham. When I was a kid I found school to be sooooo boring... So I transformed my way of teaching. I listened to what the kids were really wanting to say and taught it in ways they really wanted to learn. The results were magical. Now I help teachers just like you teach amazing lessons and double your incomes!