Why you, as an English Teacher, have one of the most enviable jobs in the world right now + How to travel the world (Dubai, Barbados etc.)!

Why you have one of the most enviable jobs in the world right now + How to travel around the world!

– Everyone wants to work online but most don’t have the skills
– They fall prey to the “make courses on making courses” scams
– You, on the other hand, have a real skill.
– English makes a huge difference!
– Eg unis, jobs etc.
– The caveat, of course, is that your students have to be able to speak English at the end of it!
– So make sure you can do that!
– If not, go to GenkiEnglish.com and each day learn one new thing to become a better teacher.

– Then ….. this gives you freedom!
– Which is huge! Most people are crazy envious of that!
– You could use it to take holidays
– Or give experiences for your kids e.g. glaciers, volcanos, languages etc.
– Or the other thing is to become a Digital Nomad and get a Location Free Lifestyle living overseas.

– Lots of countries are offering Digital Nomad visas now to make up for tourists, Barbados, Bahamas, Bermuda, St Lucia . Dubai.
– So can live in an amazing place and save money. (They often have lower taxes)
– If it wasn’t for Brexit we’d be in there now.
– Or for Europe try Montenegro or Croatia

– Caveat is you need usually need $50k income. Average American high school graduate earns 36k, uni is 48k.
– If there are people in your country with iPhones or Range Rovers you too can easily match that.
– (However if you’re earning $6 or $12 per hour, remember your company is earning the difference!)
– If you want to figure out how to learn more, search for the info on the Genki English site.
– Or if you are earning a lot already, there’s the Genki business program.

– So start thinking big.
– Where would you love to live?
– What experiences do you want for your kids?
– If you want to know more about digital nomading and location free lifestyle, let me know. That’s not my job but I’ll try and answer any questions.
– And if you need help with the teaching, try the Genki English set. It’s the best program in the world, if it wasn’t I’d retire and spend the day on Moogs.
– All the lesson planning is done, all the homework done and prepared so you just teach and keep getting better at it.
– Or if you are already doing well want to learn how to earn more, check out the Genki business program!

Be genki,


Richard Graham

I'm on a mission to make education Genkiβ€”fun, exciting, and full of life! Genki English has now been researched by Harvard University and licensed by the British Council around the world. The results have been magical! Now I'm here to help you teach amazing lessons, with all the materials prepared for you, and to double your teaching income so you can sustainably help many more students in the future!