Time Sensitive: Upgrade your old Genki English *CDs* just till Thursday though!

UPDATE: ย This offer has now finished. ย Thanks to everyone who took part, it’s great to have you all upgraded! ๐Ÿ™‚ ย Now we can get back to making some funky cool new things for you, keep an eye on the blog!


UPDATE: Quite a few people were a bit confused with the rules here, so I’ve moved them up top!

If you’ve been on the fence about whether to upgrade to the latest Genki English volumes – especially the new vol. 13 and the Holiday vol. 12, the VIP download package discounts will be discontinued this Thursday.

So if you don’t want to lose out, check out the VIP discount page here:


And … as an extra little incentive, if you upgrade your Genki English so you have all the volumes from 1 to 13 before Thursday, I’ll actually upgrade your new volumes to be for the whole set, so you’ll also get the amazing updates to all your old CD versions too! Can’t say fairer than that, eh?

Just send me an email,ย telling me the email address you used to buy your original CDs/downloads and the latest ones you’ve just bought.
Sounds good?

Just one more rule: You must have ordered all your CDs/downloads directly from me i.e. I must have your email address on my computer. If your school bought the CDs for you, you’ll have to ask them to buy the latest downloads, schools have large computer budgets and this offer is just to help individual teachers!

Is that OK?


Here are some of the new additions you’ll be getting:ย e.g. forย vegetables,ย ย food,ย fruits,ย drinks,ย jobs,ย rocket launch, adjectives, months (with a new 1st, 2nd, 3rd song!), ย How are you? with Baby Monkey,ย Baby Rabbit Family,ย sports, Disco Warm Up with Monkeys and Bears etc. etc. … and many more.


ย ย I'm thirstyย I'd like some food...ย ย ย What sports do you play?ย How much?ย ย …

I think you’ll agree they are pretty cool! ๐Ÿ™‚


(Some of the new fruits!)

Only till Thursday November 21st!

So once you have the full set of 13 volumes, ย send me an email, telling me when you bought your CDs (or mixture of CDs and downloads) with your email address and I’ll send you a full Download Pack pack complete with all the new updates.


(You’ll get the whole new set of sports animations! )


(I think your kids might like new Baby Monkey version of “How are you?” )

I’m sure you are going to *LOVE* the new updates, so email me before Thursday!

Be genki,


(And you’ll be getting the new “What do you do?” animations! Do you like the new dentist?)

P.S. ย If you have bought theย Download Pack, no need to worry about this,ย ย you can download all the upgrades here!

UPDATE: If you have bought theย Download Packย after September this year you already have all the latest updates!

P.P.S. ย If you have any friends who have bought the Genki English CDs and would be interested in this, please do let them know about the offer before Thursday. ย Not everyone gets these emails so if you could tell them about it it would be a huge help! ย Thank you!

Richard Graham

I'm on a mission to make education Genkiโ€”fun, exciting, and full of life! Genki English has now been researched by Harvard University and licensed by the British Council around the world. The results have been magical! Now I'm here to help you teach amazing lessons, with all the materials prepared for you, and to double your teaching income so you can sustainably help many more students in the future!