Just a few extra sports as a little bonus for you …

As they have been so popular, I’m thinking ofΒ splittingΒ these into two, one for Summer and one for Winter sports.
But what word do you use for “bob sleighing”, “tobogganing”, “sledding”, “sledging?” Β Or is this going to turn into another US/UK fight! π
Do let me know in the comments, or if you’d like to add more words to the list (or check out the song demo) please join us over in the VIP forum! π
be genki,
P.S. Β Plus of course there is the regular “play” sports theme with the new remixed graphics!
Hi Richard,
I like sledding and I picture children sledding down a hill. But that might not be the “sport” you had in mind? Bobsledding makes me think of the Olympics.
I like the idea of splitting into summer and winter spots. How about handball and skijumping?
I vote for ‘sledging’ – this activity was always a bonus for our family during bleak English winters.
Dear Richard,
Great art work as always!
I do like the idea of splitting them in summer and winter sports.
bobsledding sound more like the actual sport while ledding or sledging tome is more a recreational activity.
Regarding the sports theme I think is important to teach sports that go with the 3 different verbs: play (soccer), do (karate) and go (sailing).
I how about: sailing, hicking or mountain climbing, diving.
Have a nice day everyone!
I think that’s the easiest explanation I’ve ever seen for this point – thank you Nena!
Now if I only hadn’t put “ice hockey” into the winter sports!! π
Definitely agree on separating the vocabulary into play, do, go!!! When I taught Can you ~ ? at the elementary schools here, that was in the curriculum. Actually had the play, go, and do written on the flashcards. Very simple, and no need to teach any grammar – the kids just remembered it naturally.
Good idea to learn them together!
We already have “play” (i.e. things with a ball) with the What sports do you play? lesson.
For the Summer Sports we have the go words (i.e. ending in an ing) swimming horse riding sailing windsurfing running cycling weightlifting scuba diving which is all cool – except, do you wouldn’t say “go weightlifting”???
Winter Sports is a problem, we have skiing, snowboarding, ice skating, making snowmen, ski jumping, snowball fighting, but ice hockey doesn’t fit so we’re two Winter Sports short. So maybe curling? Or splitting speed skating and figure skating as suggested on Facebook? But then again you don’t “go” making snowmen or “go” snowball fighting. π
So then… I have to make up a whole new lesson for “do”!!!
ANy thoughts on these?
Gymnastics, karate, kendo, judo,
Kung Fu, Taekwondo, Yoga, archery,
Any obvious ones I’m missing? Too many martial arts?
Do aerobics, do ballet, do weightlifting, do track and field, do athletics….
Wht about adding skateboarding? That’s VERY popular here in the U.S. I’d also use sledding–we don’t say “sleighing”.
Oh yes!! My nephew would kill me if we didn’t have skateboarding in there! π
Love the mini cards! Thank you.
I think its a great idea of splitting the sports into 2 groups for winter and summer.
I like the idea of ‘do’ ballet,Yoga,Gymnastics,track and field.Yet not so sure about the weightlifting! But like you said it would be a whole new lesson?! Yippee! π