A Growth Mindset isn’t just for the kids, it’s for us too!

Kids don’t listen to what we say, they copy what we do!

This is definitely true!   ( And not just kids, but everyone around us too.)

Students are shy to speak?  It’s usually because their teachers are (or have been!) too.

Students who are always late?  Yep, there’s a fair chance the teacher is lacking in discipline in some way too.

Students who can’t wait to join the next lesson?  Yep, guess who they model that after!

Of course a lot of this we’re not even conscious of!  (If you felt any of the first two sentences above were a little “prickly”  why could that be?)

Having a Growth Mindset is certainly one of these areas where we have to “walk the talk”

It’s almost impossible for any system to be in complete homeostasis i.e. just the same.    

We are either growing or shrinking.

And our students copy how we deal with that.

Last year Genki English basically got banned in many schools in China,  which used to be our second biggest market with thousands of students.

And of course this year we’ve had all sorts of other craziness.

But we have to keep growing.

That’s what our students copy.

Just like kids trying to make an English sentence, we also have to try lots of things, fail at lots of things but as long as we keep trying each day, at some point we will get “lucky” and break through those learning plateaus that frustrate us so much.

Seeing that growth is what inspires others.

I’ve done that with Tik Tok this year,  it is just crazy that we’ve had a million (!) students this month learning directly from me,  no teacher needed!

(And it’s also amazing to learn so much from the kids, they are well advanced these days!)

So,  for you,  how are you growing this year? 

Are you wanting to get more students?   Are you wanting to earn more money?  Maybe you too want to help more kids on social media?

Whatever it is, keep going with it.    The results are cool to have but it’s the effort that inspires your students.   They want to see a teacher who is living what they teach, not just preaching from a pulpit.

And remember if you want to go fast, you go alone.

If you want to go far, you go with a superhero team!

We are your Superhero team,  so reach out, tell us your goals and dreams and let’s grow together!

Be genki,


P.S.  And if you want to teach this stuff, there is the full Genki Growth Mindset course for kids who have finished the Genki English speaking curriculum!   Plus Growth Mindset training videos in the VIP Facebook group if you want to learn about it yourself:






Richard Graham

I'm on a mission to make education Genki—fun, exciting, and full of life! Genki English has now been researched by Harvard University and licensed by the British Council around the world. The results have been magical! Now I'm here to help you teach amazing lessons, with all the materials prepared for you, and to double your teaching income so you can sustainably help many more students in the future!