Author Archives: Richard Graham

Use the power of Fortnite to power up tired students! :)

Did you notice any familiar music in the Disco Update of Fortnite last night? πŸ™‚ Yep, Genki is everywhere! Ninja Tip: Β If you don’t know what I’m talking about, ask your kids πŸ™‚Β  Using “Fortnite” to power up tired students? One other really cool tip for using the power of Fortnite… 1. If the kids…

Why language learning (& teaching) is just like Lego!

I put a quick version of this on Instagram the other day, Β and here is the more in-depth 3 minute version πŸ™‚ Language learning (or teaching) is just like Lego. At first you start with a blank piece of paper. (Although a skilled teacher will be able to show you that you already know many…

A few tips for very large (or normal size) classes

Quite a few of you seemed impressed with the Instragram video I put up the other day and in particular the amount of students in the “class” Obviously these days my job is helping teachers so I don’t get to teach kids as often as I’d like ( Β kids are way easier to teach πŸ™‚…

A few “hidden” VIP extras for you …

For any of our students it can be quite overwhelming to have too much presented at once. Β  That’s why I stick to the 1,2,3 lesson plan.Β  Β Keep it simple and present the minimum possible to get the results. And of course it can always be nice, later on, Β to get some new surprises or…

It’s that spooky time of year again ….

To be honest I’m not too keen on Halloween. Β  I love the cute graphics and of course orange is my favourite colour, Β  but just like my Chinese friends who find it incredibly strange that American parents buy plastic tombstones for their kids, I find the whole aspect a little far from the positive…