Author Archives: Richard Graham

Ken’s Quick Tip To Stop Kids Cheating at Genki English Computer Games

I haven’t actually run into this myself, but Ken was having problems with kids cheating when doing the Genki English computer games. i.e. the kid with the mouse was just moving it on their own and hence everyone else kept quiet. Of course, the real way it works is when everyone is shouting out “Left,…

Where is Baby Cat? Prepositions & Furniture Song

Margit’s comment that we now have 3 animal families, Baby Monkey Family, Baby Rabbit FamilyΒ and now the new “What’s your name?” kitten family, got me thinking about a song I did for the Kids English DVD & Picture Book seriesΒ calledΒ Where is Baby Cat? with furniture and prepositions. The full DVD version (including a very cool…

The Streets of Kiev & What excuse do you have?

Whenever I travel it always strikes me that whatever may happen things always get back to normal amazingly quickly. Last night I arrived in Kiev. So what did we do? We went out for dinner. In a restaurant, sat on the terrace with lots of other people, just like every other city I’ve been in….

5 Top Ninja Tricks for overly excited, uncontrollable kids

Scott wrote in to reply to the “Opposite of shy? and how to cure it” post What can I do with the over hyperactive kids in class?   Well, the first thing is, try not to see the excess energy as a problem. Β Ideally our job is to just take that energy and focus it…

Yes and…. Game

If you want to see the future, and all the amazing things it brings, I’d definitely recommend Inc magazine. Β  Β ( I get the iPad edition each month and it is a fantastic antidote to the so called “news” sites like CNN or BBC!) And as education is such a huge part of the future,…

Fairy Tale Workshop in Slovakia – and… refusal to do the Superhero?

You know I normally travel to a workshop and it feels like I’m visiting you. But today, as the venue is a hotel and I was staying here the night before, Β for the first time ever it was like people were actually coming, from 5 different countries (Hungary, Austria, Poland, Czech Republic & Slovakia), Β …